Really low / nonexistant necro ST [drop rate]


Those are UT, not ST. We are talking about ST.


I made 60+ ghost knights and I got skull and ring
I made 300 udl and I got 2 robes
(And I died)


Yeah the rates are pretty low. Probably because there are a bunch of ghost kings per realm, and udl’s are common. I’ve done more than I would like to admit, and I’ve gotten 2 skulls, 3 robes but not a single fucking staff or ring.


But I would still say they are 1/400 at the LEAST.


For me the UDL drops like crazy but Ghost King’s ST’s for me seem to drop really low. Currently I’ve gotten 3 Toga’s and 2 Staves but all I really want is that sweet sweet doombow. ( )

I haven’t gotten anything from Ghost King though but I only occasionally kill him.


I got the staff on my ~50th UDL but I wasnt farming for it.
My guess is that the more you want an item badly, the less it drops because you become aware that you are farming and it becomes tedious.
But yes, it really is quite rare.


I’ve gotten 3 rings and 1 skull, but none of the udl pieces. My guess is that they have the same drop rate, but we are both just unlucky


Ive done around 150-200 udls since the release and I got 2 togas 3 staffs 1 ring(from the chest in halloween)
its not terribly uncommon and it just seems to be your luck
none from kings though


I’ve done 100 udls and still nothing


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