Recruiting for a brand new guild called Clockwork Reality!


Good luck on the guild (bump :slight_smile: )


Thx for the bump, haven’t really gotten any apps sadly. :confused:


Congrats, you got accepted :smiley: Make sure to join the discord and let me know when you are online




Bumb :slight_smile:


btw, you dont need to bump every few hours, it still is in the top. Maybe every like 3-4 days.

but why do u need people email adress… that seems very… hacker-like
for the tomb part, the higher option is "very good (won’t ever make tomb dirty), but that shouldnt be the higheset level, b/c people of the highest level can do geb rage in 20 secs with no grum. Even newbies can make tombs not dirty by just sitting back.thus a flaw in the application

Majority of your questions are very opinion based, like how active are you? maybe put hours there for reference?

How friendly are you to others, maybe put a scale there.
“Do you use discord” maybe how active your on there, and if you have a mic


Are you here to apply for the guild or criticize it e.e, also the email thing I removed, I must have checked it on accident. Most people didn’t put their actual emails, also they only need to be able to use discord, and mic is not a necessity so I do not care if they have a mic. The tomb option is not really a flaw, most people generally know what I mean. The how active are you lets me know how active they can be over the week, even so if they are inactive it will just result in them getting kicked. Also thx for the info about bumping.


just giving suggestions


Understood :wink:








Bump cause I was gone for a while.


hidden bump


A 4 hour later bump cause I must be on top >>:o


24/7 Bumps




Applied :slight_smile:




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