Recruiting for <NoLimit!>


y half a year ago?


Can you prove to me NoLimit is actually good at dungeons?

I left NoLimit (along with MenReck and Aeggy) because the guild was not good enough at Shatters.
What do I mean by this?
So about a week ago, we were running Shatters.
And somehow, just somehow, we messed it up before we even cleared all the switches in the Forgotten Village.
Two more failed Shatters after that just did it for us, so we left.

Also, almost everyone I knew kinda well in that guild left (with the exception of Healingbob), so I don’t have that much incentive to return.


Your guild is not gonna be very popular if you’re gonna accept people like this.


CMME rage mode… activate!


I mean I suppose it goes with your name, NoLimit to the legitness of the player you let in.


we are a legit guild


You just said you accepted scammers and hackers.


thats right


Which means you are not legit, and are full of hackers/scammers.


lel xd im in that guild :stuck_out_tongue:
we have like 1 hacker and hes about to be kicked and we don’t scam
we buy a lot of dungeons


I would like to join


ok pm an officer in game


Hello, fellow realmers, I would like to talk about our guild, who lives on USNW!!! We are a guild full of COOL people. Our guild fell apart few months ago, and we are going to bring it alive! We buy keys quite often, and we have a decent reputation. To join, pl0x fill out the form and we will shoot you a message over realmeye if you made it.


  • Here are some sample requirements
  • Language? English, we know crude Spanish (Hola, Como estas?)
  • Base fame 400, 2/8+
  • Skills: can run Tombs & Shatters, etc.
  • CA time zone(too lazy to check)
  • You must donate when we buy dungeons

###How to apply:
Form to apply:
Discord Link:


you have 3 threads lol


soz, but the others are ded


then bump


but they were my brothers posts, and they were bad so i made my own :stuck_out_tongue:


@moderators close…



Please provide pointers to the other two threads, and I’ll gladly merge them all together.


你好,我想申请“NO LIMIT"

Like that crude?