Recruiting for <NoLimit!>


CMME rage mode… activate!


I mean I suppose it goes with your name, NoLimit to the legitness of the player you let in.


we are a legit guild


You just said you accepted scammers and hackers.


thats right


Which means you are not legit, and are full of hackers/scammers.


lel xd im in that guild :stuck_out_tongue:
we have like 1 hacker and hes about to be kicked and we don’t scam
we buy a lot of dungeons


I would like to join


ok pm an officer in game


Hello, fellow realmers, I would like to talk about our guild, who lives on USNW!!! We are a guild full of COOL people. Our guild fell apart few months ago, and we are going to bring it alive! We buy keys quite often, and we have a decent reputation. To join, pl0x fill out the form and we will shoot you a message over realmeye if you made it.


  • Here are some sample requirements
  • Language? English, we know crude Spanish (Hola, Como estas?)
  • Base fame 400, 2/8+
  • Skills: can run Tombs & Shatters, etc.
  • CA time zone(too lazy to check)
  • You must donate when we buy dungeons

###How to apply:
Form to apply:
Discord Link:


you have 3 threads lol


soz, but the others are ded


then bump


but they were my brothers posts, and they were bad so i made my own :stuck_out_tongue:


@moderators close…



Please provide pointers to the other two threads, and I’ll gladly merge them all together.


你好,我想申请“NO LIMIT"

Like that crude?



[Done. Have a frabjous day. OB]


I typically don’t give likes to mod notes for merging, moving, closing, etc. but damn your little [notes] get me every time.