Regular (Rant)


Poopy made an excellent point that basically sums up logic in a nutshell. Everyone wants to be regular now because they see the tags and instantly think, “Dang, that’s cool.” Honestly, most of the better regulars were just active and good citizens of these forums and got promoted. Now, 95% of all posts are, “How close am I to getting regular?” Honestly, just be active and then you deserve reg, and you will probably get it. Desiring a title like this just lowers the value of actually having said title. Now, please STOP SPAMMING THE MODS ABOUT WHETHER YOU ARE CLOSE TO GETTING REG.t


Whine cellar it if you think it belongs there, but I need to say what needs to be said.

[Forum Game] Paste whatever's on your clipboard!
Just a quick question about how to get Regular

someone move this to whine cellar or the cellar of salty regulars


I am salty tbh


I don’t get it, honestly.

All the new regulars earn new power, but probably don’t know how to use it.

Oh, I don’t like this post. WC’ed.

Oh, the name is too off-topic [It’s isnt] - Renamed


It’s your job(the forum) to teach wannabe regs that reg is something that is earned, not farmed for. Useless posts like the Regular Bridge or Regular Group Photo only promotes this.


I mean, I’m trying to do a good job :frowning:


A statement about American society. Whether people believe this or not, this is the sad truth.


It sounds like you have a problem with people who are posting on the Regular Bridge thread, so you’d be best posting on that thread speaking directly to the people making the 95% of the posts asking “How close am I…” and telling them to shut up. Making a PSA type address to the whole forum could even suggest/publicise the idea to other forumers to go onto the thread and actually end up making even more “How close am I…” posts.

Can’t see any constructiveness on the post, so moved to WC (was Forum Feedback).


See what I believe is that the only reason we did not see the “original” regulars asking is because the forums was new no one had it so no one cared that much no one saw that reg badge and was like “hey that would look mighty fine on me” despite what the old regs repeatedly say being “yo man we never acted this way” i’d be willing to bet that if they had joined later a lot of them would have been asking.

Also if the mods weren’t ok with it they wouldn’t take part in that thread.


also I think Doc created the reg bridge thread :stuck_out_tongue:


Indeed he did


Indeed, you are correct :wink:


About the reg bridge, the problem is that we can’t just shut it down like that. Most of the people want reg to look cool and all that stuff, but some people just want the regular to start helping better by using powers instead of asking for them.

Some people are asking on the Regular Bridge because they can’t wait to “look cooler”, but some other are actually asking to know how much time they’ll need to wait in order to help the community.

I think that’s why this bridge still exists.


This gets brought up every time people talk about what regular means, but I still completely disagree with you.

Reg powers are basically pointless. The most you’re ever going to be able to “give back” to the community is probably recategorizing a couple threads. You’ll be more effective at actually participating in the community if you stop procrastinating until you get regular and just be nice now.


Hey man it’s still something to help out. don’t you remember toastrz of all people was super curious about when he would get reg.


That’s not quite the same thing. I believe you’re the one who compared those powers to “a sprinkler”. Of course, people still want the sprinkler because it’s a pretty good-looking sprinkler, but saying you want the title to “help moderate the forum” will leave you incredibly disappointed with how little effect you have.


I want it

  1. to look more prominent on the forums, yeah I like having higher ranks and it makes me feel better nothing wrong with that. asking for the most part is harmless and shouldn’t be looked bad at.

  2. to help out in what ever little way I can with my little sprinkler.

Sure there are those few that want to have it so they can move whatever the hell they want into the WC and feel like they’re doing something helpful while really they’re just abusing the regular privileges but those people are few and far between.


And now you’re one of us.


To be honest, I didn’t even know what regular and trust levels were until about a week before I actually got it.


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