Remade MOTMG's Image


I thought the borders looked weird on RotMG’s MotMG poster image thing so I remade it.




What do you think?


this is nice.


This looks good but I didn’t see the point in wasting time to makes this I thought the old one looked fine…:joy: Good work though


I really don’t see a point in spending that effort, but okay?


i also dont see why u did this instead of doing ur school homework, thus getting u in trouble.

BUT, the borders on the old one were horrific, and this cures my OCD, so I wont tell ms the real reason as to why that homework wasn’t completed…


I actually think your version is inferior, as the outlines of the LH boss and oryx are uneven.


I don’t understand why you’re on these forums during class.


same goes for you (dont deny it i just walked past you)


Lol nop.


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