Remaking Derpy Pet Sprites - BB


I want to try remaking the ShattersBlue Landfish, but It’s at the point where I think they deliberately made it look like… THAT.

About the drake, yeah it’s not too bad I suppose. These things are quite subjective. I’m just glad that the Battle God is getting quite the reception!


@StarliAS @Endertimes @Mynamerr @Shatter
I have sinned. Forgive me. I dared to alter the almighty Blue Landfish.
(also, I was distracted by RoTMG and Academics. Pardon the delay)

Blue Landfish. I tried. I really did. But this creature was just designed to look the way it was, and I don’t think that it should look any other way. Here’s my attempt, anyways.

Blue Landfish




Why does it look so sad when moving?


Because god left him unfinished


Cause he had to get out of his bed


Well, It’s a fish out of water. I assumed it’ll struggle a little to flop around.
(Although, the original Blue Landfish walks just fine. Yay variety?)


Not bad, although I prefer the original one. It would be great if this was an alternative pet skin for the Shatters Fish.


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