Riddle me this


I was actually going for french mustard and Heinz ketchup, but that works too


I was thinking Vienna sausage + the mention of ‘french style bread’ to describe hot dog buns.


Picking back up! This one is actually a math one, and it’s pretty interesting- keep in mind the 7 at the bottom is not a typo. The 7 does belong there. Okay, find out what the ? is, good luck!


I would say 15, but the 7 doesn’t line up with that

Maybe… 15?


The answer is 12.


Duck smart, duck got it right. :cake: :tada:


To explain:

The ‘riddle’ arranges the numbers so that it looks like taking away the left number from the right results in the number both end up pointing to. That aside, this is wrong because obviously the bottom result is 7, and 21-13 = 8.

The answer is in fact based on the individual digits themselves; adding up all the individual numbers in the left and right numbers ends up with the number they point to. 21-13 = 8, but 2+1+1+3 = 7, which is the right answer and remains consistent throughout. Therefore, the answer isn’t 31-16 which would equal 15, but 3+1+1+6 which equals 12.

…I have too much time on my hands.


Great job man, that’s really great! Do you have a riddle you want to throw in?


Uh, well, not really. :sweat_smile: I’m not great at coming up with riddles.


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