Riddle me this


Seems like the bonds are literal in a sense, something to do with Chemistry. Hmm…


Its realmeye lol


Who makes drama at his leave?


I dunno, I’ve forgot his name.
Literally nobody has said the name in 2 months


What’s at the beginning, that’s also at the end?


the End? from minecraft


The letter ‘e’?


how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck chuck?


None, because Chuck isn’t made of wood.

I bring peace to those who live by night.
I preceed the pretender at their display.
I decrease your bills.
I protect you from your neighbours.
What am I?


the sun

what is my last name?






seee wilhuff knows


It’s not the sun.


I don’t know the answer, Just had a really good riddle. Need to post it. AHEM

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt.
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after.
Ends life, kills laughter.


Darkness, cool hobbit riddle.

You own something, others use it all the time but you don’t. What am I


Your name


I spin, i spin and i spin. I’m super demoded rn, but only thing i could do is spin

What am i ?


a spinny machine


Riddle me this, the less of me you have, the more I am worth. What am I?