Ring on Sorc?


I hav covetous heart and geb ring for my sorc. Which one should i use?


Covetous heart. You’ll find the HP and MP much more useful than the extra damage on your scepter.


  • geb ring
  • covetous heart

0 voters

i’d personally say covetous heart just for the extra bit of att, but its really personal preference


Geb isn’t bad for that Wis boost tho


Covetous heart is better in this scenario. I would recommend getting a more HP-oriented ring, though. Just because the class has a wis-mod doesn’t mean that you should only focus on wis, surviving is much more important.


I’d say keep both, but in reality the ring you use is dependent on the scepter you have
Deva wis mod is insane


Or get a bracer/pyra


bloodshed reeeeeeeeeeeeee
i wish i had it


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