Rotmg App


Yello guys!!! Its DANMONEY, and i have made an app for rotmg!!! It’s not an app to actually to play the game, but its a meme app. I’ll drop the link off here.

If you have any ideas for a simple app related to rotmg, tag me with the idea

drive mirror download

Virus scan:


I wouldn’t call it art but ok


What does the meme app do?


download it and you will c :slight_smile:


Ew android… what does it do?


Someone sacrifice your device to tell us what it does


I’d love to, but I don’t have amazon account… @DANMONEY, is there a reason why you put it in amazon?


I would put it on play store, but that costs 25 bucks, and i dont have that kind of money .-.


Is it an apk? If it is, i think a file hosting site is fine. I used drive


kek, ill also upload it to drive
edited link to top


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