RotMG Dungeon Difficulty and Potions


This is just a resource for new players I made bored at work.


Forest Maze is probably the same difficulty as Pirate Cave ( 1 ) just a little bit higher.

Spider Den boss has over 3x the health of Forest Maze boss and the enemies do more damage.


True, I had it on a 0-10 scale then hastily changed to 0-20

Changed it





Where would you like heroic abyss niegil


The Cemetery bosses can drop more than one kind of pot. I usually get 2 different pots from the first three bosses.

I consider Katalund (Yellow) the easiest of the Alien worlds.

The Phantom in Library drops Vit and %Att


as listed they drop one pot + a chance of spd


most trooms arn’t listed, I’ll get there


the “native” gods in the dungeons can also drop pots (abyss and sprite += %attack; lib += %def)

and in para the trash mobs sitting in the middle of the room can drop atk


iirc it’s the other way around; each drop a non-guaranteed pot dependent on the boss, and a guaranteed speed for 2 players.
I’m not sure of the order off the top of my head - Matriarch is wis, Skuld is def…


I really do think Para could be reworked a bit, every dungeon that drops mana has a low chance of dropping it, Ice Cave, Ocean Trenches, Parasite Chambers, the treasure room should be guaranteed but only once, increase the chance of mana, double the chance of attack for the big minions in the middle.
The whites are fine, maybe the Tome can be buffed slightly more again, just the damage. They should remove the armor breaking barrels and let the boss armor break itself often, make it always vulnerable, and attacks if you’re in the boss room. The minions are fine enough, some can be nerfed slightly?


I like the system with the barrels. Makes it a little more tactically.


Barrel trolls


If you’re getting killed by barrel trolls you’re not paying enough attention.

on top of that, they are rare.


But thats not the problem, boss has 5000 defense, if nobody armor breaks it, it will take ages, + you have to get rid of its invulnerability.


take control of the barrels yourself then. I can say I have never had a problem killing this boss in a timely manner


Woah that’s weird and correct, changing


Barrels don’t kill players. Everything else in the dungeon does. If you’re focusing on dodging enemies then the barrel trolls are harmless. Parasite is a nice dungeon once you get comfy.


Soloing an abyss T guarantees def as well
Lab 2nd also drops wis
MT drops mana

Ice cave… drops dex? Wow, dex must be even rarer than a white.


MT drops mana?