Rotmg May Events


Woah another character slot unlocker.


Me 2

Those are all imgur. Someone want to screenshot them or something?


What is the taco resembling? all bosses can drop tacos or what?


You’re not forced to do them :confused:




Well, a bunch of feed power and another character slot I’ll miss, but oh well.
At least I won’t miss the Great Taco Event.
Man, I should update that Calendar loot sheet…


oh yes another char slot and ambrosia! perfect


Event chests: We should come to expect this behavior from DECA.


DECA made to a point that player count is highest during chest events. This I feel is a happy medium. Most players play on weekends anyway, so just throw em in there too.


Good job deca! Non stop chest events are killing me. Glad to see it’s only on the weekends now


…Is there a reason they can’t use the actual encore sprite for the calendar? You know, this thing: image


They probably messed up, that’s a good catch


scrnshot imgur plox


I don’t get what’s wrong with event chests. It’s better than nothing while DECA comes out with the bigger stuff.


It’s incredibly boring (especially since we’ve had them constantly since halloween), and if people don’t want to participate they’re punished with less items.

The new may events are fine though. I’m glad they decided to space things out a bit instead of making the whole month one long grind.


Got the Piglet skin first day. Finally don’t have to grind.


lucky bs lol


anybody know what the tacos represent on the 4th-7th?


I am thinking that tacos will drop from something (dungeons or Oryx perhaps) but that is only a guess.


huh, i see…