RotMG on PS4?


I don’t know if this will even work
Or if it’s a really high cost for making the game again.

But I think it will be fun to play on the PS4 or the Xbox…


The cost would be trying to get it on the ps4 platform as u probably noticed there’s not a ton of indie games on ps4 because Sony is really stingy of what it wants it be released
There is a reason why Pservers all are on the PC


but how would you aim your ability?


you could technically play on a tv, if you hook up a keyboard and a mouse to a tv


I haven’t tried myself, but I’m pretty sure that’s possible


DECA definitely doesn’t have the resources to do so.


If your want the same feel of a PS4 RotMG, check out


Forget ps4 we need rotmg in mobile


puffin browser.


Could be interesting with a controller. I could see the aiming and such happening.


first let’em fix the fucking cheater problem.


There’s an edit button for replies, use that instead of leaving multiple responses. I’m pretty sure they mean playing on a controller, not m/kb on a tv.

@Shatter already made a guide that shows you how to play on a controller Twin Stick RotMG (Controller V2)


the same way you would aim your weapon


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