RotMG Players #Exposed #RealmeyeAlert


This is a thread for #Exposing people.
As per:

So, let’s get right into the news!

I’ll start.

@Scorchmist confirmed for Seal :clubs:ing #EXPOSED

The General Chat Thread
Forums exposed!~11!

@shatter confirmed homosexual #EXPOSED

Edit: got a notification of some one calling me gay >_>


so what is this used for?


B-b-but exposing ppl is against the tos!!!:rage::rage::rage::rage: flag
@ moderators


O _O I will have to be more careful with what I say! I tend to type a bit too much of my thoughts…oh no, they will be out watching my every move now…:fearful:


You started this, which was meant for me… so WE started this


You are the one who started it! Niegil, do not go against my truthful words unless you’re prepared to fight to the death!


Try n expose me gurl


[We were doing that anyway. OB]


Niegil is sexist #EXPOSED


She’s actually a gurl tho, and YOU know that, Xaklor exposed for fake exposing

@werbenja fixed dis #EXPOSED


First you type #, then you press caps lock and then press these keys in order: {e,x,p,o,s,e,d}

Niegil #EXPOSED for not knowing you to type #EXPOSED. #EXPOSED


If you put # in a new line, it makes the line become a heading.

#Like this.

It doesn’t happen if it’s not the first thing on the new line. #Like this.

I #EXPOSED a solution to your problem.


But I not though #TRUTHEXPOSURE


Shaxasno doing illegal stuff, #exposed


How is giving you the holy land I’ve stepped on, illegal!? You should be putting spoons of that dirt into your mouth, in order to try and taste my glory!


Is it the land of milk and honey?


The price was given, no negotiations


It’s the land that leads towards the castle of Oryx. [quote=“Niegil, post:18, topic:4406, full:true”]
The price was given, no negotiations

Accept my payment now, or be prepared to fight to the death!


Can we fight tomorrow? I’m tired and bout to sleep