Rotmg Signature Background Help


I am trying to mess around with my signature, but many of my background choices cannot be uploaded as a background.

Currently, I’ve tried this image. It is 423x196 and is only 168kB(within the range of a rotmg signature background). I’ve no idea why it cannot be uploaded.

I’m just looking for either a way to make it upload or some other background that can be.


I don’t think it’s loading any custom imgur files. I tried using several sizes and even one almost the same size as realmeye’s example pictures but it still says it couldn’t load. Maybe try resizing it to have the exact size of their examples?


Just tried a 690x100 one. Sadly didn’t work qq

Perhaps the fact that the rotmg signature examples dont have /gallery in the link? vs

Nah prob not nevermind it is one of the problems, but I still couldn’t get it to work 690x100, less than 200kB, no gallery in link, with and without titles. didn’t work.


Ever get this figured out by the way? I’ve been trying to get a custom image too and it keeps telling me “can’t load image”


i downloaded the image in the OP, uploaded from local drive and put them as both my profile and user card bg.

can someone check if it works?

edit; looks like it works on my end for both

user card



haha, no sadly… i continued to try as many combinations as possible with a variety of borderline horribly distorted backgrounds… none worked.

Also @Unicorn I was trying to mess with this

y’know, the thing that nobody uses


Me dumb, forgot about that thing lmaoo. I’ll try testing it out a bit later

Maybe has to do with file format

edit: no luck, i have no idea how it works sorr yxd


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