Scorchmist Senpai why!


we should all like 50 of schorchmist’s posts so he gets 9000+ notifications


Yeah, that’d be funny. When he comes back, he’ll be showered in a wave of notifications that he doesn’t bother to check. Why is he gone anyways?




If you could like to be featured for part two, post something that would explain your feelings towards Scorchy’s disappearance in some way.


I’m in the process of re-making your meme, btw :wink:


Imagine what would happen if I left…

oh wait


Haha thanks for mentioning me!


Rip Scorchy, he’s probably gonna lose regular again ;(

Also how come Shatter the blue landfish is in the background?? put me in the next one :smiley:


S[quote=“Selimmm, post:41, topic:6692”]
Also how come Shatter the blue landfish is in the background??

Shh, I’ve a reason for it all.


put me in the next one :smiley:

I’m not even gonna ask what your “reason” is…


I already saw you say that, that’s why I liked the post. :I

Don’t worry, it’ll unfold in the end…
Selimmm, I don’t see him in the background…O .o


I miss the banter



O Scorchy, Scorchy! Wherefore art thou Scorchy?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I’ll no longer be a dank memer.


I call dibs on being the new scorchmist :sunglasses:


that would take at least 15 of the average forumer to be one Scorchmist


I have what it takes, deep down in my belly I know I can handle being more popular than scorch and toast combined! :sunglasses:


scorchy come back i got some fresh stapler memes waiting in the oven


@Scorchmist I advise you never return.
what if Scorchy actually took a break in hopes that when he returned Zlushy would be banned? xD


He’ll come back and his first post will be here


but on the positive side at least we arent living in severe pverty fleeing syria am i right