Servers Not Loading After Choosing Character


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Sorry Tried to go down a line accidentally finished the post. My problem is that when i load ream, it loads the main page, i hit play, select my wizard, then is just walk in the middle of the screen forever. iv let it run for over 30 minutes on best server, and it still does not load. i know its not the internet because on my PC it runs fine. any ideas on how to actually make it finish loading the game? Thanks for the help


It’s likely that server is down. Just pick a different one.


What is the best server?
Some servers are down

In addition, are you using any kind of “School Wifi” that has RotMG blocked?


I have had something similar, except it gives me a looping Socket-Server #2048. This might be you, but I want to know what it is.

(edit: This error is linked to downed servers.)


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