Settings for fluid gameplay


I am making a short guide cause I wanted to have this somewhere by itself

You shouldn’t swap items by dragging and dropping - as you are taking time away that you could be using to aim at something / do dps etc. I swap items constantly - (almost every couple seconds) because I try to play in the most efficient way possible all the time and it is required for dps gap closing as that is how I enjoy playing the game, and I know there are some other people in this game that are like this. If you don’t know how to swap items quickly just simply hit the number key correlating to the item. I can only hit the number keys 1-5 consistently while fighting so I usually will carry a backpack and I will hit the ‘B’ button (backpack button) twice very quickly to access my second inventory to free up the 1-5 number keys so i can consistently swap more and also hit the b button twice again to go back to my other inventory space. (I do this while fighting to swap a different set or consumables)

This is sort of old now, but here is a clip/example of swapping 2 different situational items efficiently using number keys - if i tried drag+drop I would have probably died here or I would have just nexused (snake shield for rushing and crystal for escape)

You can also remap the number keys for swapping but I think the number keys are fine personally. If you have trouble hitting the number keys you can go into a different game (like csgo / fortnite creative) and get an aim map off the workshop for csgo so you can practice hitting number keys / swapping to other guns while also aiming and shooting targets etc to help with muscle memory of the buttons. You can also free up some binds (and this works in almost any game) by using ESDF instead of WASD for movement. (This is a really controversial topic in competitive gaming aswell). I personally always used wasd and never got to ESDF cause I am too lazy to rebind all my game settings for different games.

Niegil had also told me before that you can actually swap items from your backpack to use with some sort of shortcut - “pressing shift + number uses that item in the backpack. I think that only happens when you’re on the main 8 items, and if you’re already on the backpack then the opposite happens.” I have it memorized with just hitting b twice and it feels fluid to me personally so i never tried what he had said

(if you don’t have a logitech mouse there are other ways to do this) You can use the logitech gaming software to change keys if you need to. I have my ability use on mouse 2 because it is faster than pressing spacebar. This is really good for classes that really need precise ability timing (like wizard / trickster) I would really recommend remapping the Ability use key from spacebar to mouse2 especially if you have a membrane keyboard. Or maybe even remap nexus to Mouse 2. I also have my camera rotation remapped with the Logitech gaming Software to both of my side mouse buttons. (this frees up some keys that I replace with other binds and feels fluid imo)

this is just my preference but someone might like this more aswell, and I don’t think many people know that you actually can rebind to keys that you can’t bind in-game. The ability remap / Nexus remap to mouse2 makes everything feel a lot more fluid imo (and it is a quicker button to press down)

To do this I just set the right screen rotation to J and left rotation to K (because I don’t use these keys as I am playing) also that is not a joke it is just coincidental that I picked JK randomly lol. and I remap both my Logitech Mouse side buttons to J and K so that it works for the game as you can’t map some buttons or use some keys cause the game won’t let you bind it.

Also before I had remapped camera rotation to side mouse buttons I used the keys Q and F for rotation - Which I have now replaced with HP and MP potion use binds and it is a lot easier/fluid imo

(last edit) I also rebinded my mouse2 key to spacebar using the logitech gaming software, just incase I accidentally hit spacebar instinctively instead of mouse2. You will also have to rebind Mouse2’s function to something else (I just rebinded it to Mouse3 cause I never use it)

How does one become a pro / topshot?

If I read this correctly, my way is to hold Command (Mac) or Control (Chromebook) and click.


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