Shaman-A Class Idea by Dashrey


First and foremost: I saw the other post about the Shaman class idea on Reddit earlier today. My class design was 95% complete before the other person posted his, and my design has no ties to his post. Kinda funny that we both chose to make a “shaman” class though!
I designed this class with the idea that I wanted a DPS-based wand class. We already have a sorcerer which is supposed to be “dps”, but it doesn’t really fill that requirement. The class rewards good dodging and being accurate with your wand to stay alive. Everything is in the google doc, including sprites, DPS graphs, and other random math things.
Please let me know what you think and any constructive criticism is appreciated! I really do think that this class could fit into the game, and I hope you like it too. So, without further ado, the Shaman

Mod note: Moved to Ideas > Classes ~ BMJ


Seems quite well-thought, but

  • No useage for mheal pets and mp pots thats a no-go!

  • The heal of the UT tome seems just to op

  • For only 15 base def the dps is just not high enough (think of oryxs white moon phase, the shaman would be really fucked up in that situation)

  • If pets would get nerfed this class would be just gamebreaking

  • Also bulwark seems useless for it

Summed up the class is just to different from the others to be implemented.

If the game would be completly changed such a class might be good tho.



Watch me rant about daze again.
dnfiapngiauncjikdngiuawenukfnduisj vuisdbgjsz vkd jkfdak gdaj fjdas

The problem with the way you have daze implemented is that it’s based on the attack of your weapon, and that you gave this class oscene dex. the fire rate of this class is insane, it would look like you daze whatever you hit either immediately or a couple seconds after every time you hit something.

If this class equips a conducting wand, it will be blasting daze left and right on everything in sight, way super op. the cooldown doesn’t really matter because most things will be dead as a result of the daze in almost no time at all.

even worse is the accessibility of these daze abilities, all the way across all tiers including T0. and daze is exclusive to QoT! This is so mind-numbingly game breaking that I can’t even think of how to put it into other words.

daze aside, I can’t possibly see myself using this class. It seems very boring due to a lack of an actual ability, and super-high offensive stats don’t matter too much because, lets face it, it does have a wand.

People who dont like to use this forum, why?

Take it easy man I don’t want you having a heart attack before 50 <3

Well put

As for the class idea…

I truly think that this is a downgrade from the sorcerer. Why?

The ability is…just a piece of equipment. My point is that playing this class would be even more boring compared to the sorcerer because your spacebar won’t do anything. There is little spice to this class and it is simply a straight “upgrade” to the sorcerer (because they can’t tank anything either and they already have high offensive stats, just a boring ability).

Sorry if that seems harsh, but not having an active ability ruins the point of a unique class.


This, and I really really really really don’t like the fact that daze/slow in applied by chance. If you really want a DPS based wand class, I think a rework of the Sorcerer would be much more beneficial.


I do think this is a very well thought out idea, the sprites are nice, but I do agree that no use for mheal pets can be a little bit strange and no need to press spacebar would be as well. but if I were to choose an ability chosen to be randomly be affected to my enemy upon hit I would choose curse or 100% chance of stasis(that means on bosses too!). I do think that dazing on a T0 totem is superior to farming ents all day to only daze for 4 seconds. It is still a good class idea and every new class idea can’t make everyone happy. hang in there and keep making ideas bro :3


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