

You just put in french. 什么?




i took chinese a long time ago :dab:







@shatter how do you feel about people speaking other languages about stuff other than you in your thread?


Ya know most my life right now is taken up with Red Dead Redemption 2 hype sooo I didn’t even see this till now.

As for the actual question, Idc I’m not the OP here getting Chinese notifications.




@Shatter why is this thread still a thing
I’m probably asking the wrong person though


因为 @shatter 是一个白痴


then why are you asking him all of these questions?




I love it when people post stuff and assume that I can translate it


Mate I didn’t even make the thread, hell if ik.


I know you can, that’s what makes it funny to me.




@shatter do you play AOE2?


It’s not Japanese my boi. It’s Chinese. image
Weeb specifically means Japanese as well as me being Chinese and wishing I wasn’t.


wait wait why do you wish you werent chinese that’s fucking dumb as hell


Shut up meanie head.