Shatters 2.0


I’m sorry if I post it in wrong section, but it’s been a while since shatters are out, and it used to be the end game dungeon at the time, I was thinking doing a rework it will be nice as it will help reviving the dungeon, noone really enjoys shatters anymore, I suggest adding some ut weapons to the loot table as it will be beneficial, lost hauls have 26 ut item’s including new tops but shatters has only 3, all rings.
What do you guys think?


I moved it over to game discussion :slight_smile:

And yeah, I agree. The shatters in general wasn’t very well implemented, a rework would be really nice to have in the future.


It definetly needs a rework.


It also has an ST set, but it does have less than LH and Nest (which still hasn’t become subject to HP scaling and now Nest can be harder or easier than the main LH depending on how many people are in the dungeon)

Both Nest and Shatts could get a 2.0


oh hell.

  • YESSS!!!
  • NOOOOOO!!!

0 voters

i’d like a rework pls deca, people are quitting because the game is kinda boring now.

and if deca buffs the ice sphere ill kms


The dungeon itself also rewards trolling and griefers. Doing public content shouldn’t be such a pain in the ass - we should worry more for monsters than other players, but in shatters it’s the opposite that happens.


Oh crap this is hella cool. I remember I started working on a shatters rework before I quit. That was a couple months ago. I think that all the sprites are still on the art maker tho…


bring it in!


i’d love to see a nerf to Mr. Ice Sphere


Are you sure?


That I want Shatters 2.0?


Lets add an ice sphere pet stone while we’re at it just to freak people out


A few fixes yes please.
But maybe not a complete redesign.

The Ice Cave (dungeon) rework was a great example of how to rework and keep the original theme of the dungeon while getting rid of the things causing problem behaviour from players. The Esben rework I am more “meh” about the redesign because there wasn’t much wrong with the original Esben but now the time-based fight seems a lot more scripted with every fight a copy paste of the same patterns.


Off my head the rework I had in mind consisted of the introdction of a larger map, better tiling, two new mini bosses and new enemy families. I think the tags are under shattersrevamp, nasacko


That’s the most evil thing I think I’ve ever heard. I love it.


And if DECA add HP scaling to mages…


Generally I think the avatar should become much more dangerous (maybe have its killar pillars shooting bullets before their current activation phase) and have the avatar become optional, like nest and LH. Unfortunately, if this happened people might possibly start thinking of tomb updates, though idk.


i think shatters is fine as it it, except the drops. I think the forgotten crown should have a major buff but a lower droprate, st set should only drop from archmage, and there should be a ut “sentinel sword” or something that drops only from brigbe


It’s sloppily made, you can see the edges of the map very easily, and the bridge to the king can be completely bypassed by lava walking. The forgotten sentinel poses little challenge since he only shoots a single shot to the left of him, and in a large group, the dungeon is stupid easy for one of the hardest dungeons in the game.

lol wut



lower droprate