Shatters Central


Hi all!

Shatters Central is now open to all users! We are a small discord who runs fast paced Shatters with small groups of 9 to 20 people! All Shatters are free, and no one is obligated to donate anything! If you are feeling generous enough to host for us, we appreciate all key hosters! If you are interested, join the discord below!


I look forward to seeing you there!


This touches my heart


vouch, as founder of the original shatters central I approve this message




We used to be around for quite a while, but just restarted!


thanks i have 2 shatters discords now




first ima get 500 alive fame D:


lol i have 2 shtts disc now but a 20 at max group sounds very sexy ty for ur disc ill donate then next time im online


Bob Ross approves this message.


Indeed he does, maybe one day he’ll teach us all rotmg players to paint :thonk:


1.6k+ members!




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