Shaxasno's Photo Album!


But I wasn’t making a joke :frowning:
I was genuinely surprised


i was only reposting what pitchotmg was doing D:
not making a rape joke


[And why, exactly, were you reposting it, then? If you want it taken down, PM a mod or two…but rebroadcasting it for all to see again is in poor taste. OB]


actually the strange thing is that the mods in the disc approved of it, they even pinned the message o.o
but k i will take it down


And this is the day when you realize that moderation of a gaming forum =/= moderation of a random discord server.


Is this true / Why did this happen?


I dunno; Doc’s the Discourse master here.


I think you have the wrong thread…


It was my recent flag here because of which I noticed it.


oh ok

a picture of something to stay on topic:

@Curlip drew this a while back and I saved it


Eh, I didn’t think of the hat that way


me neither, but that’s how he drew it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


On topic? Here you go.





So if Shax claims to be the heir of oryx, wouldnt that mean she is sexually interested in her dad…?


well she is sexually interested in basically everyone…


If Shax totally knew how to animate she’d get banned from youtube for explicit content


“Daddy Oryx corrected my mistakes again!” Coming soon to

Don’t worry, I will have to make accounts on those incogno mode sites.




animated photos are still photos, right?
I found this in a sprite world while looking for a plane on my ppe:


Rogue overdose on weed and shrooms!!