Short Stories of the Realm: The Great Fall of the Nexus


You sneak into the old archives of the Nexus hoping to find valuables to sell in the Marketplace.

You find the place ransacked, with the only remaining thing looking worthwhile was a old chest.

Upon opening the chest you find several books, one of the oldest in the chest describes the account of a wizard at the Great Fall of the Nexus…

Though a large part of the entry is degraded you are able to make out some words…
…guards are increasingly worried about strange noises coming from the realm portal, if they are so worried about it they should close it! We can survive without loot from the Realm for awhile; the noise is probably a spellcaster testing his spells.

You read skip past most of the entry, it described the average day of a wizard of the Nexus.

Rock Constructs are busting through the portals! I fled for my life as layers of guards were slain by my eyes! Men, women and child were slain as the Constructs laid siege to the area around the realm portals. I must gather my belongings and head for a safer spot…

The Rock Constructs have taken control of the portals, they have remained in the spot for sometime, I wonder what them and their dwarven controllers are planning. The guards have push the citizens back far enough as to keep them from danger.

Enemy reinforcements have arrived. Goblins, orcs, dwarves, elves and sandman have pushed their legions through! We are outnumbered. Why has this happened, who could’ve done this! The Nexus was safe, secured for yea—

You read the last sentences as you close the book as you hear the locks of the archives unlock, taking the book you escape towards the windows.







why not just say the nexus fell to urgles?


wot in tarnation?


Honestly, a bit rushed. But you’ve got potential. If you plan on making more stories, then I would recommend lengthening the part before everything goes to shit, maybe you could have included the part where

Instead of skipping it, you could have included some details instead of ignoring it. Some more context before whoever the narrator is starts reading the book would be nice as well, because all we get is that they wanted to loot the ‘archives’, found a book, then ran away when someone else came along.

otherwise good job :+1:


Yeah, this is just a quick sample. Next one will be better.


Looking forward to it.


In front of you is the rubble of broken columns, shattered glass, and collapsed walls - what remains of the old archives. You cautiously walk forward, wary of what could happen if you entered. The inside of the building is in a derelict state. The banners which once flew high on ceiling of the great hall have fallen, covering the tiled ground as if it were an age-worn blanket and on the far wall, rows of ivy have invaded the marble palisade. You walk through the destroyed hall, coming to a stop at a large fountain which has become dried. At the bottom of the structure, where there once was a pool of water, you notice a discolored block that is worn away around the edges. Not forgetting your task of finding riches, you go over and tap on the brick. It gives off a hollow sound.

Taking out your emerald shard dagger, you carefully clear away the dried mortar which has started to fall apart. Having finished, you take out the stone tile and set it aside. Inside is a dark cavity with something glinting inside. You reach in with one hand and attempt to pull it out. The object is heavier than expected and doesn’t budge. Reaching both hands in this time, you manage to cling to the item and drag it up. You are surprised to find it is an ornate wooden chest, with a procession of designs carved into the aged wood. The lock is rusted and with little effort, you manage to pry it off. You to open the chest, but like the lock, it has rusted over from years of damage. Your excitement grows as you manage to pry open the chest. Inside, covered in dust, is a stack of leather bound books. You take them out, studying them, before carefully placing them beside the chest. All of them have nondescript covers, save for some differences in color. Coming to the last book at the bottom of the chest, you realize it is different from the ones above. It is a large book with a nicely done binding, and on the cover are some faded words. You squint closely as you try to make out what it says. It reads: The Great Fall of Nexus.

You open it up and flip through the cracked and yellow pages, worn away from years of decay. Even in its decrepit state, you can still make out some of the scrawled text lining the paper. Fingers tracing the dried ink, you come to understand that what you’re reading is an account of the commonplace goings of the Nexus. You read out one page in particular:

12-2~Speramus per nexus~

…Today I had the pleasure of dining with the Guard’s Captain. We had a fine meal of grapes and egg omelets. While we were eating, he expressed with me his concern of certain miss-happening surround the portal leading to the realms. It has been reported that there have been strange occurrences and unexplainable sounds coming from it. The Council in the Sancta Civitate have turned a blind eye to this matter and the Guard’s have been left to themselves to deal with it. Knowing of my position and authority, the Captain asked me what he should do. I simply told him to be aware. I have long feared that someone, or someone is coming…

You continue to flip through until you come across a damaged page, soaked red with the hue of dried blood…



joke’s on you


Just as you finishing reading and closing the book, you hear the archives unlock. Taking the book, you escape through the windows.

Is English your first language? I read a couple of your sentences and they don’t seem to written correctly.


Ooh, Ill fix that. I wrote this at like 2am in the morning.


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