Should DECA try Runescape style Memberships for Realm?


One thing I think the entire community can agree on is that DECA makes a lot of what we’ll respectfully call… financially motivated decisions.

Now I often actually run into this fact when I discuss possible in-game changes that would benefit everybody and be welcome additions to the game. An example being me and others discussing topics like: reworks of the actual in-realm gameplay, centralized trading systems, easier organization methods for end-game dungeons- then DECA is brought up as “not going to make those changes due to their financial motivations.”

While I do think this is true, that they will not make changes to the game that do not directly benefit them, I would be willing to offer some type of exchange, so that DECA is not entirely making changes that will lower their games… financial value…

Runescape had a very large amount of success through their implementation of premium account memberships that allowed for premium services. I’d be interested in hearing what you guys would be willing to pay for in a premium service. They have already released a battle pass which could be thought of as a type of premium membership, so the reality is not far away folks.

Lets not get carried away though- runescape is 99% p2w, and I don’t want that. So this is really an open discussion for ideas.


A membership for this game is an awful idea, for this game to gain players it needs to be less pay to play (char slots/vaults) The idea of centralized trading systems and better organization methods is a good one though.


it looks like the battle pass


Cant wait to pay them 500 bucks for a skin and a title

Oh shit, cant forget the soulbound potions now


They should’ve started selling rotmg merch years ago


Ah yes even more monetization on top of the already existing garbage because who doesn’t wanna spend even more


The question is not whether or not DECA IS GOING to implement a type of premium service for players. The battlepass is already that type of thing.

What I am saying is that for a premium service- I think players should be getting more benefits from it.


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