Should I be worried? [Fake scam reports]


So… I’m doing my O2 run and someone pm me to trade. I barely see it and afterwards find this written…

Should I just consider this person an asshole and just move on or should I be worried?

Note: I’m sorry if the topic is in the wrong place and/or bad english.


If they’re threatening you because you didn’t respond to a trade offer, then they’re just being an asshole. Move on, nothing to worry about. You need a substantial (don’t have an actual number) amount of people to mark you as a scammer on RealmEye in order to get the red scammer-tag–definitely more than a few.

That being said, did you respond after you saw that? It’s pretty common to miss a PM if you’re playing the game, especially if there’s a lot of people spamming chat. If you did respond you could’ve said something along the lines of “sorry, didn’t see your message was doing lost halls, what did you want to trade?” and any reasonable person would have replied normally.


After seeing what he said I just didn’t wanted to trade w/ him anymore. I answered that I was doing Oryx and that I wouldn’t trade because of his attitude for as I see it, trading w/ him after this is the same as say that what he did (threaten me w/ an invalid cause) is ok.


based on what he said, if you responded at all he probably wouldn’t have done anything. but even if you didn’t you shouldn’t worry about it since a single person getting mad at you won’t change anything.


Nah. He’s probably just an ass full of shit.


That’s respectable. I feel like there’s a few possibilities, one was he actually messaged you quite a few times (and chat was so messy you missed most of them) and got salty, or he’s just an unpleasant person / had a bad day.

Either possibility is a loss for him; you’re definitely not the only person who doesn’t respond immediately to trades. If he pm’d threats to everybody that didn’t answer him that’s just a waste of effort. I usually move on if someone doesn’t respond because there’s just too many reasons for me to angry about (they could be afk, doing something, trading in USW2, too lazy to answer / take down effort etc.)

Actually I’m quite curious about the scammer flagging system now, and if it takes into any other factors other than number of reports, such as credibility of the reporter (perhaps based on age of account, star rank idk). I think @Scorchmist wanted to test this out in the past with alts and mules, I’d be happy to volunteer as tribute :wink: but I digress.


You shouldnt be worried about this, as uni said you need a whole bunch of flags to get that red flag, so consider him an asshole and move on
Also, moving this to #community-hub


I believe I saw 50 tags is the amount needed, somewhere.


If the other guy thinks not getting a reply counts as a scam, they are in for a rough time trying to do trades. With that attitude they’ll probably get a lot of /ignores too.

I would reverse the situation and tag them as Bad Trader. There’s no need for them to get so pissy just because someone doesn’t reply to them fast enough.


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