Should I fame train for white star?


Exacty my point. I was pointing out that one cannot say that i was being rude to anyone in that situation, as there was no one in that situation to make fun of, as i was making fun of an idea and no individual person.


I don’t often get called a 40 year old virgin, but when i do, it’s from someone’s who’s arguments consist of 5th grade banter and a teenage ego.


I don’t always reference dead memes, but when I do, it’s because I’m a 40 year old virgin who is too old to browse dank memes.


I don’t always reference dead memes, but that’s because busy SLAYIN’ MAD PUSSY BRO 420 YOLO


Trofimowen you just got rekt XD


“Hey Bob, your hate looks slightly tilted”

Hears Hammmmmmmy in background


God damn it Hammmmmmmy, i was pointing something out, it wasn’t a roast.


… stop existing.


Dear god, the kid might have tourettes…






You already know :wink:

p.s - i guess i didn’t deny it :L


Your a terrible person :joy:


No, MY a terrible person.


No, HIS a terrible person.


No, ISIS a terrible person.


lelxd wow


you should fame train for account fame to feed your pet

people only fame train for white star because their dick is small and they are insecure about it


One word.

How is fame training for a sprite resembling a white star going to be worth it? Will it give you admin powers? No.

I have nothing against you fame training for white star, but I really don’t understand why you think it will be worth it. Just take your time or something.


Because then his internet phallus will double in size!


well it’s not worth it anymore cause if we see you with white star we will know you fame trained for it


But I thought that applied to everyone who plays the game for 100s of hours


what the hell happened to this thread


dicks are small*