Should I make a Huntress and an Archer?


And the 2 dbows and 2 bulwarks I have. And the conducting wand


Says the guy who hasn’t maxed a ninja since early 2016 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.
JK, ninja is my favorite class. He is very versatile. I always get O2 loot with him because of my ninja stars and spd.


OK, I wasn’t going to mention anything at the beginning but now it’s overt flaunting lmao.

No. XD

I agreed with most things you said up until ninja. With a necro and bow class, a ninja is definitely the next progression in terms of character diversity.

We had a discussion one time about doom bow and cbow where you pulled the “ya can’t just ignore glands” card on me, now it’s time for payback ;P.

Ninja is just a horrendous glands class and since most of the time (unless you’re in a super rich guild opening dungeons constantly), one pops in I the glands, it can feel a bit slow.

And unmaxed ninja? Blarrrr. I’d go with your first suggestion.


I have three dbows, one regular and two morning star. I have one bulwark, two is not much better, they’re practically useless. Just use em for bragging rights. OH, and I have conducting too along with resu.


Oh yeah?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!!??!?!? I have a bracer!
lol I don’t like bragging so Idk how to.


pls deca ring… lel xD


Am already made knight


I have resu, midnight star, 2 water silk robes, mad robe, 2 dancing swords (ik they r shit), (had bracer), plague, and esben skull (yea ik its shit as well)


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