Should STs be SB?


OR, we keep all the other ones UT EXCEPT the jungle necro, which will basically be the best st set in the game


OR we could buff tablet.


OR we could make tablet st


OR remove tablet.

Who honestly uses it?


you cant really remove items once they’ve been officially released, especially if they’ve been in game as long as tablet has.


Ok so massive rework then


Yeah, pretty much.


make tablet part of the upcoming necro jungle st set,


Necro with spell? lets make it heal too lmao.

(add healing to tablet, not add healing to necro)




In decas AMA they talked about reworking tablet eventually along with cutlass DECA AMA - Organized


Cutlass should pierce.


ecks dee


Does the “DUH ecks dee” imply that the thought was sarcastic? I can’t really think of any other upgrade to it except just dmg…(Not like the idea of a piercing sword is vodoo, the indomp can pierce and there’s other classes’ ut weapons that give piercing like the esben staff or the bone dagger)


Indomptable is only for quick dmg bursts, there is no TRUE piercing sword


Isn’t that why cutlass SHOULD get piercing then?


I know that, but this new spell seems like it would have been good if used as a buffed tablet (change pierce objects to pierce enemies.


Piercing is the best suggested buff for cutlass, atleast from the suggestions that I’ve heard.




cutlass should have a higher rate of fire since that is its perk


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