Smells of the RotMG Classes


image :hmm:


I’m only leaving this image here.


more like what the smell amirite :joy:


One more bad pun and I’m going to rot in smell for the rest of eternity…


i got whooshed.


You are hereby scentenced to eternal hell with the rest of us.
I wonder if somebody nose what’s happened to this thread.
Oh well, I musk confess that I’m still having fun.
Hmm… any oder bad puns to make whiff smells?

I’m done now




how could you do this to me

im a f00kin mystic main


Dude I love mystic too but that doesn’t change the fact that mystic is one of least popular classes, if not the absolute least popular of them all. I have explained time and again that mystic is very powerful when used correctly, but no one ever agrees with me unless they already liked mystic. And even then, sometimes they try to tell me that it’s actually the stasis that’s good and not the sheer amount of damage that she deals.

If it makes you feel any better, solosen has suggested that they smell like green tea and old furniture.


tfw no mystic gf that smells like green tea and old furniture

they have to fix mystic instead of just making her the Curse class because stasis is basically useless endgame (I know there are niches here and there but in reality its mostly just a meme tool)




You’ve got 2 orbs dedicated to self boosting, aswell as an orb that does both slow AND paralzye. Having to go through a whole rework just to not be useless. I love bringing Mystic to tombs, but no point to bring to Lost Halls aside from crowd control.


Replacement Esben host confirmed.


I also did the esben death quotes on this thread


Mystics smell like Sharpies.


No, they smell like lemons and burnt hair. Their hair is constantly on fire because of the lightning. The more you know.


this just in: we have reports of a warrior who smells like axe body spray. please be on the lookout for this anomalous scent and send all reports here. your cooperation is appreciated.



you know what this post reminded me of

some random guy in realm a little while ago yelling something about some famous realm ytuber needing us to do something. He said be on the lookout for something.

Yeah. He got /ignore d


Dat me.


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