So i died a bunch of times [what class should I go for?]


i died a lot due to lag, and lag ONLY!
check my graveyard few chars with a lot of fame recently died (decent amount of fame)
im not sure what to do, i dont want to take a break from the game.

i need help choosing a class to main again. “training” and main

Classes that i do not want to main: ninja, sorc, knight, huntress, priest, sin. NO MORE MELEES
What should i go for?

legends and again… -.-


But why not ninja? I like ninja :frowning:
If u got a spare dbow sitting in your vault i’d say archer since you don’t wanna do huntress. If not, (why you hating on sorc hes what i’d use in this situation) maybe use a wizzy as main.


i like them, its just like i dont feel like playing them atm :expressionless:


@moderators delete


Go Wiz or Go Home :heart_eyes:


Sorcerer is the way to go


i’d say paden but…


Id say wiz or archer.
