So much bot flood, why can't this game get rid of this trash?


I think the reason why Spiral Knights doesn’t have bots (even back when I joined in 2013, iirc there were no bots) would be because there’s really nothing to gain from it. Maybe selling accounts is all the RWT you can get in that game as if you just want orbs of alchemy (for example) you either farm for them or you pay real money to get energy and buy them in the Depot so there’s no need for a useless middleman such as a bot of any sort.

Paying for a bot to farm stuff for you would be a waste when you can get them directly. There’s also the aspect that you can trade Crowns for Energy, so you can also farm for drops while getting Crowns to convert to energy and buy stuff, essentially getting drops & buying from depot which is a lot more efficient.

There’s also no duping I’m pretty sure, so you can’t have stacked accounts hand out materials in bulk for affordable prices.


What’s the attitude to bots in realm (such as the ones advertising in nexus)?

This will probably come as obvious, but we don’t like them any more than you do! We know they’re unsightly, and part of our 2021 plan includes taking more legitimate measures against bots, beyond just chat filters but also proactive prevention systems that aren’t disruptive to human players.

Also what is the plan to get rid of all the spambots in nexus?

The spambots and overall disruptive behaviors, we realize, need special measures and an important consideration with modern approaches. So that will be something we’ll deal with for sure.


they already do


yes get rid of this trash but get rid of shadowmute first
if u have been to usw3, im sure u have seen biologija, statyba, etc
clearly bots, posting same message (8 def for 1 life lmao) again and again, never getting muted once
i cant post something 2x in a row smh
and this argument so far is pointless
there should be a system checking to see if you magically got 2x something w/o hitting sb on a boss within last minute or so, or trading, etc



well when you think about the issue bots are just players like us their accounts are not any different and that is where the problem is defining who is a bot because you can’t just kick or ban someone from the server or realm on a whim.

though to me I don’t really see this as a major issue as bots don’t really mess with other players and people ignore most with star chat requirements

I think the most annoying thing about it is any solution of way to change the status quo will likely have some drawbacks to it in terms of player communication

like I find it annoying with bots pm me but some are above the star cap, so I thought maybe we should make it to where you have to accept or deny chats incoming from players and then you could block someone afterwards after opening it if it was a bot. Im not suggest this as a valid idea its just a thought but the point is to show the issue is one where it will likely not an answer everyone will enjoy and it won’t be entirely positive


bots are just players like us
excuse me
i dont think you understand what player even means
player in this case implies a human instead of a coded script
blocking is already what people do, but all these bots being created causes a shitton of lag and makes the game slower for the rest of us, as well as being unsightly and being.a bad influence on new players, preventing the game from becoming as big as it could, as well as being against the ToS

“bots are just players like us” yeah im sure deca will slide with that, if anyone even takes u seriously enough to respond

u have some points that half-make sense, but unless u fix your first paragraph i doubt anyone except me will actually read the whole thing since its a complete joke

i aint even tryna be mean, but i cant take you seriously


And what will you do to tell the difference between these two things?

are you going to design a code that will detect every bot on the servers?

do you realize why I said they are the same thing, because as far as the server is concerned they are

the hanful of bots that sit in nexus? if you think they cause a “shitton” of lag then you severely misunderstand what is causing the majority of lag in the game

what outlandish thing did I say? you were the only one who said something that is factually wrong, what you said about bots and they cause a “shitton” of lag, again shows your misunderstanding of what is causing the games lag.

It is good to know we are similar terms because I also can not take you seriously


u said a bot is no different than a player like us in terms of account
lets see here
how many dungeons do bots run? How many quests do they compete? how many are in guilds that are active where the chat is also decently active? there are so many things players do that a bot can’t. like, for example:
playing the fucking game

i think thats pretty important. if people spend a lot of time on the game but never actually complete any dungeons, i think its safe to say they are either bots, or it could be someone like yvngbloood that 8/8s off solely scamming (it aint a witchhunt if people already reported to deca, plus about 40 people were running around him… so)

bot creation and new accounts being created daily create a ton of storage. there are new bots every single day. if you think they don’t impact how the game runs for other players, then ur a clown
i block every bot i see, but there are always new ones every day. if you haven’t even paid enough attention to realize that, then you are in no situation to make claims about how to combat bots.

bots do cause a ton of lag. and the servers arent great either. my misunderstanding apparently revolves around the fact that you either believe that the massive creation of spambots either helps or does not impact the running of the game at all, and might take time away from the dev team on other pressing matters. good day to you sir, and keep patronizing RTW servers, I hope you still find Decas in stock by the end of next year.

-bots dont mess with players


Bots actually emulate playing the game through movement and exploits, if you look at completion records in realmeye, some bots have thousands of void completes on a single character through exploits, so I’m afraid to tell you it would take not makers less than a day to get around any system looking for those and that once again screw over merching players while missing bots completely

In my experience it’s raiding discord causing 90% of the lag when I play, I can almost always tell the moment a discord raid enters, but bots? No, I’m sorry to disappoint you but it’s moronic to claim 10-12 inactive bots in a server cause any meaningful amount of lag

Actually I read it and consider it the most intelligent post on this thread as opposed to my impression of all of yours, I’m sure plenty of people will take the time to read all of it, especially since Tauntauned already has quite the positive reputation on this forum


it isnt moronic, the reason you dont notice the difference is because bots have existed since near the creation of the game, it isnt something like 60 people jumping in to a server at once that causes a sudden, short lag but rather something that consistent slows down the performance of the game. it has to store all the account information, etc, and clearly you are misinformed about the dungeon completes exploit, which did happen but was patched (see the post made on fame rework - that was the reason for the dungeon completes wipe, since they fixed that exploit). and no, bots are not players, thank you very much, and the movement of the bots are in no way similar to how a human would move. thats why i said to remove shadowmutes since it isnt doing a single damn thing rn, as it isnt affecting the bots (go to usw3 and check for statyba and biologija - im sure u will find them, posting their messages w/o breaks)


Yep, we got a new RWT site bois…

Not saying the site but you will find it.


I feel like you missed a huge amount of what I said
Also I highly doubt that storing account information causes lag, otherwise lag would be getting progressively worse as more bots are made but it isn’t, if anything it’s been getting better due to recent updates and bots haven’t pushed it back to being worse at all. Also let me say this again, NEITHER ME NOR TAUNTAUNED ARE SAYING BOTS ARE PLAYERS WE ARE SAYING THE SERVER SEES ACCOUNTS AS ACCOUNTS AND EVEN IF THEY PUT THOSE STANDARDS UP IT WOULD SCREW UP LEGITIMATE PLAYERS WHO LOG ON TO DAILY REWARDS OR DO OTHER NON-GAME PLAYING THINGS WHILE THE BOT CODERS WOULD VERY EASILY GET AROUND IT, WHAT THE CRAP IS SO HARD TO UNDERSTAND ABOUT THIS? WHY IS THIS NOT GETTING THROUGH TO YOU???


rwt sites aside from r*******k most likely make next to nothing, the one above only gets that much due to reliability and the client it provides giving it publicity. Consider this, peer to peer rwt generally has decas at 10 cents, the site sells them at x10 the price

RWt sites will do anything to keep their publicity, it’s their only advantage over regular rwters . They will probably go to extremes to make their bots seem real player-like and make them a profit.


your stance agreed with tauntauned, which involved ignoring the bots and not doing anything about them

though to me I don’t really see this as a major issue as bots don’t really mess with other players and people ignore most with star chat requirements

and this is why we dont agree

i do like the caps lock, makes it a lot easier to read and its nicer on my eyes, thank you for that.



Gee god my eyes
mY eYEs… thEy blEeEd!


I think you forget this part
Merchants ofc promote their goods
no merchants would try to actively R0TMG STASH .com


Actually, I have an idea based on their claim. The game can’t detect players from bots (true - but there are ways to make it harder for bots and ways to try to filter them out - certain reqs, etc) but they claim the bot makers can adapt to any of these within a day. Currently, a large amount of work pushed out by deca has a ton of bugs - if the people hacking for these rwt sites can figure out all of these so fast, alternatively deca should just hire em lmao. im not even joking. the devs prob get paid more than what these rwt sites get, and if the hackers can circumvent every system as you claim, they probably know how to make a system thats more proofed and better fitted to anti-botting while still being able to allow the playerbase to (relatively) play comfortably. and they wouldn’t be doing anything illegal or something so thats a relief i guess… but tbh i doubt all the hackers can find an exploit in just 1 day and such. if they can, lets just hope theres a way we can get them to actually fix the game then kekw


there’s a difference between rather simple bot code and fixing bugs and doing major development


again, i was not saying fixing all the major development, i meant minor qol changes and stuff


Yes. SELLING DECAS @twitchystr vs SELLING DECAS @R07MG.0RG isn’t as easy to differentiate as you think. That is what this whole discussion is about.