Some Ideas for Making RotMG More Cinematic


I considered posting this in the Ideas category, but I want other people to help contribute to what this could look like. I was rereading an old topic and found a reply that sparked some kind of fire in me. I want to imagine what the game could look like to be more cinematic. There’s obvious stuff like dynamic music so that boss fights or certain dungeon areas stand out. One of my ideas would be a pseudo cutscene where the game zooms in on a boss with top and bottom black bars as the boss speaks, maybe even with voice acting (that isn’t shit). Coupled with some detailed animations and fights would feel a lot more impactful and climactic at times. Imagine zooming in on The Forgotten King as he bellows out and slams the ground before staring at the players and menacing them, then disappearing into his crown. Cutscenes don’t have to be long or strenuous either. Maybe they can be short and snappy introductions with a quick zoom in, a title card paired with the boss’s dialogue, and then the actual fight.

Now I’ll also point out the obvious flaw of this clashing with the gameplay a bit. For one, you wouldn’t be able to see your own character and the camera wouldn’t move with it, so if you’re being chased by other enemies, you’re basically fucked. There’s the easy bandage solution of adding a toggle, which I would have regardless, but another thing they could do is make all players invulnerable during the cutscene or instantly destroy all other non-boss minions within the room. There’s probably multiple solutions for this one problem, so feel free to add more below.

Another issue would be if you simply don’t want the cutscene to play. As stated before, just add a toggle to turn them off during or before fights. Players should still be invulnerable during when these cutscenes would normally play to be fair. The only times I could see the invulnerability becoming a problem would be in the middle of boss fights, such as during the Factory Enforcer Core’s transformation into its Kogbold Deity form. Again, invulnerability is just one solution I would have for this.

I can also understand if you just genuinely don’t want cutscenes in the game at all. Maybe you’re into the simplistic bullet hell nature of the game without any clashing cinematics. It’d be like trying to make Kirby seem scary. I’d just want to see what would happen if the game were made to be a bit more serious at times.

What do you all think? I find the idea of a more cinematic Realm more intriguing, and I’d like to see what others think.


Hey Mathician, thanks for the post. Nice idea!

Not sure if you’ve ever played Enter the Gungeon, but they have a very similar mechanic when you enter a boss room. The main difference is EtG is local co-op not online, so there may have to be a technical workaround as you suggested.

Overall I like the cinematic idea, even if it’s just small things like the boss of a dungeon appearing in a puff of smoke, or crashing down from the ceiling, or swinging their sword more.

Definitely a move away from the old Rotmg but I think it could be an interesting change. Interested to hear further thoughts!



Something as simple as a small titlecard with more detailed closeup pixel art is part of what I had in mind. It’d be short, maybe have some small dramatic sound effect before the boss fight-exclusive music plays, then it slides off and returns to the actual game. I was actually thinking of CotN: TLoZ when I had that idea for a titlecard. To avoid blocking the player’s vision for too long, aside from being quick, the titlecard could also just be the boss name and unique sprite. Basically I agree with that you’re adding on to here. I’m personally interested in the cutscene parts of boss fights with the intro dialogue and the unqiue animations, but I won’t disregard other ideas.


lttle mockup I made


They did what you are talking about very well in the new shatters, making it cinematic. The issue is that there is so much sh*t going on that you cannot afford to appreciate any of it. There is also a certain charm to the old rotmg I think where enemies were not given too many or any animations. But new shatters should be the framework.


What exactly do you mean by The Shatters being cinematic? Is it in the animations? The dialogue? The world building? I can understand if it’s harder to appreciate mid-gameplay, but stuff like the death animations for each boss or their “special attack” animations (rage phase, finale, and patience) are also parts of making the dungeon feel more like an epic adventure than just a clear through a bunch of rooms then a boss.


I like this! Something that just pops in quickly when you enter a boss room. But could get annoying if you farm 60 snake pits a day.

Definitely see this working in the right type of dungeon, maybe even if there were a new dungeon much more focused on storytelling but that would be moving away from the old Rotmg.

Maybe we’ll end up having a Rotmg classic the way Wow classic is now, which is okay, there’s room for both.

I think the idea of Rotmg in general moving more toward an RPG could be cool. Thanks again for making the mock up!


Like i said, I’d prefer a couple toggles in the settings for “Title Cards” and “Cutscenes” so that if you’re doing a bunch of dungeons in a row or if you just don’t care, you can disable them.

And what you said about RotMG embracing its RPG elements resonates with me. Not sure if you saw, but this video mentioned how RotMG didn’t really have RPG elements. It lacked clear story arcs and the like. Having cutscenes for existing dialogue interactions or even entirely new cutscenes would help the game feel more like a world with characters. It’s definitely a step away from “classic” RotMG, but it would also help make the game feel much more alive. Plus, they can still be disabled and you can just wait for the dialogue in-game to finish before the actual fight happens.


It speaks for itself. The visuals of it are very well done. Now for the recent addition of KogLand, it does not hit the same way and feels to me like pointless animations that just are annoying to look at. I do not feel the same heart and purpose put into it like the shatters, feels like it is a shallow attempt to be like other games with great animations. There is a charm to very simple designs without all of the sh*t and stuff they try to make the monsters do, a sort of sweet spot between the two is the best. But deca does not care and they will do as they like rather than pander to players of another era of the game.


I don’t understand your frustration with Kogbold Steamworks. The animations for the boss there make its transformations more smooth than just randomly popping into a new form. As for the enemies, they don’t drag on and become off sync with their attacks. If they were super large and distracting then I’d understand, but I’ve never had any issues with the animations being too much somehow. The enemies’ animations are fluid, plus some enemies don’t even have fancy animations like the Steam Serpent if you’re looking for simplicity. The only real issue of yours that I can personally find are the smaller enemies having smooth animations since the smaller enemies in The Shatters have the classic up-down waving metal sticks stuff.


I just don’t like the look of it. They always look like they are having a seizure with their heads violently going back and forth and the art styling looks like just a bunch of sh*t thrown together. I like the old art-style I will admit so I am biased.


I’d like to focus on the actual presentation of the game itself rather than just the enemies. Are you saying that you’d prefer less animated but well sprited visuals like with The Shatters? The most complex animations there are usually specific to certain boss attacks. Meanwhile, the majority of enemies still mimic the same one-two animation template for attacks and movement, with only larger enemies like the Royal Jester moving more fluidly.




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