Spamming in USE2


dont go in there, they just spam advertising for dupers



why didja need a mod to do this for you? edit this in, those links are advocating for tos breaking.

on another note, nice to see confirmation that it was indeed bert behind all of these bots lol
from the unedited photo, i can confirm that the discord tag matches the one of the bert that sent me a message a month and a half back.


yeah bert, i wonder why?

hacker, duper, botter, spammed racist stuff on the forums and in game.


They’re in a lot of servers, really damn annoying.


Who is Bert?


Gotcha, thanks for explaining. I hate Bert then, I guess. Thanks for ruining peoples fun, B E R T


Always just right-click and ignore.


Better question: why do you guys keep giving him attention?


Because he’s trying to crash servers, and he’s making obscene shapes with his bots and it’s annoying. Not to mention I don’t see DECA addressing any of this and I’d like to see at least an acknowledgement of it from DECA.


he doesn’t have anything to prove. You have something to prove, because you made an unfounded claim that you knew Bert.


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