[Spoilers] Some Leaks


ok so i got access to whatever drips had before recently so more leaks yay. leaks from testing.realmofthemadgod.com

Valentine’s shit

Firstly, a new cursor

More importantly, an Archer Set

Now you might be thinking “wow is that an ST archer set???”. ^^^Spoilers, ^^^it ^^^isn’t

They’re all reskins, reskin leaf bow, reskin qot, reskin csilk and reskin ubhp

These will probably drop from their own places, or it could possibly be a placeholder, but not likely.

Pet Skins

Some Valentine’s Pet Skins

If you want to know the name or family of any of them, leave a comment

New 16x16 Pet

HP Bar Outline

HP Bars will have an outline now

And will change color depending on the entities health

Hearts and Love Letters

If you saw the Archer Set from above, you probably noticed the 2 other things there, well they’re tokens.

10 Hearts -> 1 Love Letter, 1 Love Letter = “Exclusive Rewards”


And as with every Deca update, there’s skins




again, if you want the name or class of any of them, leave a comment

I think I found something
February 2018 Login Rewards Calendar

reskin leaf bow, reskin qot, reskin csilk and reskin ubhp

those are some weird, and specific items to reskin… What if I dont use leafbow/qot/csilk/ubhp?


I hope the reskins are easier to get than the normal items…tho I don’t really care about leaf bow


They wanted to encourage people to try out a set most of them don’t use?

Then you can try using them, or just keep them as vanity items in your vault.

There are already plenty of tiered reskins, there’s a crown reskin and a cbow reskin, … they just wanted to try something new.


INB4 reskin QOT has the same droprate as Jackonaut.


Then you’re not a swanky archer player


I just assumed they’d go with more widely used items like maybe covert/elvish/hydra/(deca/ubhp/exahp)




Literally all of those items (except deca) already have reskins.

Again: they were trying something different.

Or maybe those are all placeholders and they’ll end up being a widely-used set just like you described. Can’t 100% trust leaks until the final product is released.


neigil plz


Jackonaut rate? I hear that item was actually just a myth.


considering how rare the normal qot is, it better be


Except for hackers lmaoooooooo


i hope it doesnt drop from something too easy (ie: belladonna’s) or too hard (ie: lost halls, shatts)


I doubt hackers were even willing to try hard enough to get it if they have to hack in the first place HAHAHAHA


Oh there were one or two people in reddit who got the helmet using event notifiers, reconnecting, and bunch of other ways to bypass the system. And even then, I think it took them pretty much non-stop farming for several days.

Disgusting is all I can say.


I knew of the event notifiers (and even then it still took nonstop farming to get it which is insane) not really sure how reconnecting could help though or of other methods to cheat the system.


Ring of 9 Years
bad joke bad reference


OML Yesss. Finally a ninja turtle skin. Page 2. But it has a shield… Is it for knight?


thanks doc btw, me me big lazy