Spooktober Preparations


Congrats on getting it!


Such language is inappropriate.


We don’t prohibit all foul language. When employed to excess or to insult someone else then it crosses the line, but for reasons other than simply being a bad word.




So Spooktober Preparations was 2 weeks ago? When is the new update? It’s mid October already.


Halloween is in about two weeks, they still have time.

In case you missed it, Deca did announce they were aiming for a release on the 24th.


still five days away


Oh, I must have missed that, thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:


24-17=7 days away…


oof sp00ky b0i is screwing with my math skilz


Is there gonna be another pet rock handout for this new pet bug? :wink:

Uh, really though I wish everyone at Deca Games good luck sorting this whole mess out. We believe in you!


yes pls fix deca


I kinda like this bug :confused: it atleast looks like i have a good pet now lol




Yeah my pet suddenly has the power of a mini divine and it feels great. Even though it’s more risky seeing as each heal takes forever.


gosh darnit another pet bug?

jeez DECA fix your servers


If you weren’t informed already, you get healed THE EXACT same, but just more over a longer period of time, same heal and mheal a second, but other abilities like electric and savage are broken right now.


You’re saying the HP Heal and MP Heal are the same overall rate as before, only the pet is dealing it at higher quantity, less frequently?


Yep, I tried with mp regeneration on my ninja and the recovery of mp, same with the time it takes to heal 400 hp.


I remember getting caught out with a unexpected Rip in the last time there was a pet bug so yeah, playing it more cautious this time :stuck_out_tongue: Thx for the clarification.