ST to UT and what is best shatters class


I really don’t like how some of the ST items are more overpowered than our sacred UT items such as the etherite is just as good as the Cronus dagger and the new orb is just as good as conflict. I want to get a UT mainly a quest UT and know that it is the best.::: And also what is the best shatters class over all


Try searching what you post before you post it. There was another thread about the best shatters class, it had many replies. About your ST & UT, it has been suggested many times to nerf the STs or buff the UTs. See my post on it here.


@last question

Knight,Warrior,Pally,Huntress,Trixter,Wizard(with pierce spell)

Knight for stuns.

warrior/pally to buff the group.

Huntress to have a dbow and be able to kill the grandpas

Trix to get secret

wizard to kill switches through walls

and if it’s a experienced player, rogue instead of trix to both get secret and rush 2nd switch.


I support them making st’s duplicate ut’s as long as their only making them copies of other items that are for a very underused class and aren’t very easy to get.


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