Staff Interview: Meet ValsinedGM



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Costumer Support :thinking:


Will we ever get an interview with chris?


Reddit post from

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someone asked for screenshots, cuz their experience was good so here was my response:

I still have my emails lol So, basically what happened was my social button didn’t load my friends list. I asked for help. His response was “there, fixed. Btw, your friends list is deleted” I had 100 friends, and he deleted my list without even asking. valsined email Btw, this did not fix anything, but after the response I got, I was way too furious to even reply to this email, and I did not bother go on about this issue. Mind you, this was after a few back n forth jargon, which is why I just decided to give up after this last email.

also, those saying “this will cause a witch hunt” or “no screenshot can’t prove, false claims”, and i’m the only one who has saved and provided the emails and screenshots -_-