Stalking realmeyers


Ah yes, bisque dye


Imagine being famous enough to get stalked


Pfff, imagine my surprise when I was! I didnā€™t think I was noteworthy enough, especially considering Iā€™ve never been affiliated with any Triple AAA guilds or anything (or just any guilds beyond my own, for that matterā€¦)




Forumer appreciation thread

@Sturky @Wilhuff @Mizumi @Zquidx


2/1 for me :grin:

And a pic I didnt post before:
Gotcha Honey scepter man :camera:@Toastrz


hey, itā€™s free advertising!


Sounds like you got me now as well, @WaterPowerā€¦ and it sounds like my sister didnā€™t get you back :sweat:

Edit: I suppose I donā€™t hide any of my information on my Realmeye page from you guys, but whatever; I have nothing to hide!


She ACTUALLY talked to you about me! :rofl:
When I caught you (yes, you :stuck_out_tongue:), she was grinding snakepits to sell spd pots for lives.
After that, we had a pretty chill conversation. And she couldnt get me back, because i moved to my home town realmchillinā€™ , waiting for my realmeye offers to do the work.

Want a picture of that? Here:
:camera:@XBookwyrmX Couldnt get a clean shot, first time I saw you, the wizard was selling but didnt have time. Had to pursue then hastily take my shot.


Yeah, she said she enjoyed talking with you. She was also pleased to announce capturing two orange bags. Thatā€™s definitely her witch loaded with the fancy jade spell lol
Alas, I have such a hard time actually getting on the game as if lateā€¦ as soon as the school year hits for her, youā€™ll probably see a decline in activity. Not a full stop, though! And one of us grabs the calendar reward, at least :wink:


found @Unicorn


Please donā€™t enter me without permission kthxbai




sad Demon noises

But at least that player came back when exalt was announced, thatā€™s nice


Haha. :slight_smile:




Thatā€™s only one of the forumers you have in your screenshot :wink:


@Pegasorous is also there, to be exact

