Stalking realmeyers


I’m telling you, @Ickabod, you can’t hide from the clutches of me.


four i wanna join pls
shatter is big meanie

anyone who finds me in realm will receive a special reward
if you qualify for it




@AnakinSolo Gotcha!


(gasps) I’ve been found out.


lol even gave the server


Server always shows up when you enter the realm.


It does? XD I dont pay attention to that. I always ignore it now because I think its useless because it just says WASDQE to move and welcome.


Don’t. I’m a god at this kind of stuff.

@InfamousX BTW:


those are some really old screenshots if i still had my wizzy :thinking:
and i remember the screenshots arent recent because jimdafish and pegasusy was in that snake pit
up to date photos pl0x


What can I say, I never check the date. I’m pretty sure one of them is fairly new though.


The three Ggaod ones are from December 27th and the InfamousX one is from November 24th.


woah stalker :eyes::sweat_drops:


To add to that, there are Nexus shards in his inventory, and there are Christmas hats on the characters, so they cannot be that old.

With that in mind, what is his prize, or does he not qualify?

EDIT: Ti be fair, these images were taken prior to your offer, so I assume they do not qualify, but since you never said explicitly, we await you decision.


They say when you click on the image.

More like Jim is a detective.


Well, there goes my reputation as a badass stalker. Thanks a lot.


fancy skin
if you already had it you dont qualify cuz theres no reason to own a skin unlocker if you already have it


Super cool!
I was just poking fun thinking it was all a joke but good for you! I should have tried.

I did see @Nevov today in a few Chambers but neglected to take screenshots as it felt creepy. But I guess that it is the point of this thread.


@GGaodzilla Where’s my money?


You got your money uwu

btw Wilhuff won the Ripper Rogue skin that i bought with @ArexRew’s and @Ecookied’s decas