Star ranks showing when posting


I’m not really a fan of our star ranks showing up next to our name when posting. I noticed that @HGKing and @Pfiffel don’t have theirs displayed when posting. Is there a way I can disable it for myself or even set it so I don’t see for anyone?

I never noticed this before today, is it new? Maybe a change log for the forums would help my confusion :slight_smile:

Pages in Forum Topics

I guess Pfiffel and I should start our own cool kids club.

I haven’t played RotMG in a couple days, so maybe that’s it?

Anyway, I just logged in myself, so I’m not sure what changes have been made. Once I look around a bit and chat with my colleagues, I’ll see if one of us can report back with what’s been happening.


Thanks for the quick reply, I’ll check back later to see what you dig up.


I HATE the new stars. Now i feel like everyone’s judging me since i’m a blue star, even though i’ve been playing the game for almost five years and have gotten several 6/8’s. I simply only play a couple of classes (thus get very few stars even though i get 800 fame with those classes), and while I know that seems weird to you guys, it’s how I play. Now i feel like i’m being punished for having that kind of playstyle.


Other new change: your personal dropdown menu (icon in upper-right corner) includes links to your own RealmEye profile page, your current offers, and your private messages:

(FWIW, I’m not a fan of the stars either. We (the mods) toyed with having some sort of icon there to correspond with a user’s forum rank (New User, Member, Regular, etc.), but that would’ve been different.)


yeah, i noticed that - I like it, it allows easy access to your (in-game) realmeye profile.


Not sure that’s the kind of thing you want to shout in a public space.

Not like it matters anyway. Intelligent people will judge you based on what you post, not on the number of stars the account you felt like using for these forums has.

@Verticae for example has only a blue star and he posts really good art.


[Now, now, @RMGnoob, let’s not put words in @Tybug’s mouth—it’s unbecoming. He has a rather valid concern. OB]


If you could please provide some context for the quote so that someone does’t think that i actually said that, that would be great. I believe that quotes are only supposed to be for when someone actually said something.

On some level, I agree with this - however, subconsciously, everyone is judging people. Always. All the time. I do it too! While I would like to think that stars don’t matter to me when someone posts, they do, even if just a tiny amount. Someone could fame farm for a couple of days and get red star - the only reason I don’t is because i want to EARN my stars.

EDIT: I got ninja’d by @OtherBill - You took the words right out of my mouth :slight_smile:


I like it now people know I’m the best player ever :^)


MrEyeball filled me in. So there are the stars, what OB posted, and an alignment/layout fix for the home button for the Safari browser.


Oh yeah, forgot we weren’t supposed to modify quotes.

Anyway, this is the same thing I always say to people putting all or part of their Realmeye pages on private: you’re just going to make people assume you either cheated or are extremely insecure.

Ever heard of the Streisand Effect? The more you try to hide something, the more attention you’re drawing to it.


Interesting change. Rather pointless but it shouldn’t be a big deal for anyone above the metal age of 12.


Rather pointless but it shouldn’t be a big deal for anyone above the metal age of 12.[/quote]

implying the realm community consists of mostly very mature people :wink:


Not implying that at all. Just that you can ignore anyone that will judge you on star color


Red stars are the best color, stand out the most



Awesome, thanks for the info!
Did you figure out why you don’t have the star? Moderator only option?


I don’t mind them but the shadow behind the stars slightly ticks me off. (Even though it’s supposed to help show stars better I’d be happier if they just made them like the ones in the game chat**…)

Then again I’m just being a picky person, oops


White stars with no shadow:


This. I like socialising and playing on other accounts. I know how you feel.