Stars Profile Contest


No :frowning: I like Infamous’ though


You win, tell me what you want within 2 days


What happens to the rest?


I’ll take lil red then ^^

Edit: I will keep this tab open, tell me if you are online.


Im on rn


im too


Me too…


I had to get off but I will be on at 4:00 to 5:10 PM pst and then from 8-10 PM PST so message me then or set a time for me to give u the skin


If my converter is right, it’s 7:28 am PST atm.

I’ll pm you around 4:00 pm.

Edit: need to go to sleep today, i’ll sadly need to wait for weekend :frowning:


K dm me on Sunday guess i got psat


I’ve tried to dm you as soon as i woke up, but it seems i’m already too late.
We might need somebody to cross this timezone gap


Ok my plan is to tom at 4:00 pm pst to have one of my guldies call me on discord to get me to go on.


Got it :wink:


2 hours and 30 mins!!!
I will remind you on discord too
also there is a perk to having pst like you




You on?


nah i was sleeping


When can you get on? Find a mutual time to get on!


I’ll be available for the next 6 hours.


Bruh ur discord is gone