T14 armor and tier boost?


I can remember t14 items not being effected by tier boost pots due to them being soulbound but now that that isn’t the case anymore, do tier boost pots make them drop more now?


Nope. Aside from that, Loot Tier potion needs a phat buff.


Loot tier potions only impact enemies that already have multiple tiers capable of dropping. It just makes the higher tier slightly more likely. For example Septavious from the UDL can drop both tier 8 and 9 weapons, so the potion makes it more likely to drop the tier 9 variants.

Problem is, there is not a single boss in the game that can drop both T12 and T13, or both T13 and T14, so the potion is almost entirely useless.

Probably the “best” use of it is for O2 to be more likely to get the T12/T6/T13 rather than T11/T5/T12, but even then remember that it is only a 1.5x multiplier, and you are still likely to get the lesser drops.


Just note that Oryx 2 does not have unbound rings in it’s drop pool


Not a boss, but some exaltation quest chests do this.


Might as well use a clover because duration doesn’t matter in vault, instead of wasting a loot drop (that gives 10 more minutes of meaningful luck than clover outside of nexus) just to use a loot tier potion


Actually, it’s because of how they were integrated into the loot system.

Normally, tiered loot inside an enemy looks something like this:

<SoulboundLoot prob="0.65" threshold="0.03" tier="11">Armor</SoulboundLoot>
<SoulboundLoot prob="0.35" threshold="0.03" tier="12">Armor</SoulboundLoot>

In this example, there’s a threshold of 3% of the enemy’s health, for a 65% chance for a T11 armor, and a 35% chance for a T12 armor. A Loot Tier Potion increases your odds for the T12 armor, as you’d expect.

However, the “Void tops” and higher were not part of this tiering system. Instead, they’re defined as seperate items (which is also possible for other tiered items; Cyclops God minions, for instance, can drop a Golden Shield, specificallly!), like this:

<SoulboundLoot prob="0.2" threshold="0.03">Robe of the Star Mother</SoulboundLoot>
<SoulboundLoot prob="0.2" threshold="0.03">Wyrmhide Armor</SoulboundLoot>

Thus, they’re completely unaffected by Loot Tier potions.
For MotMG, since they’re now tradable, it’s technically no longer necessary to do this, but even then, the use for loot tier would stay very limited. (Besides, no one knows if they even changed the loot tables for this!)


Are these actually the drop rates? I had no idea these were accessible.


No, these are just examples of how the code works.


okay thank. I guess I’m just wondering what’s the source, like is there a way I can view the code myself?


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