Teleport guide - Bluenoser


I posted this somewhere else but felt it could be better served here as a guide.

Some teleport advice

  • Never ever teleport to the Red Dot on the minimap, try to select a yellow dot from the group around
    the red dot that is furthest away from the said red dot. You will still be close to the boss but not on top of him.
  • Never teleport to a solo Warrior that may be in Glands - expect a god wall
  • Never teleport to a solo Knight that may be in Glands - expect a god wall
  • Never teleport to a solo Rogue that may be in Glands - the rogue will cloak away from you leaving you with a crap storm.
  • Never teleport to a solo Priest that may be in Glands - The priest may have an angry horde of Atheists on his butt.
  • When you are about to TP to the group if you can buff your self or cloak you should do so before the TP
  • Always be prepared to Nexus when you are about to Teleport.
  • When someone calls LAB, Crystal, CLAND, Tomb, Ice Cave or anything else that is good, you need to ask yourself … is it really worth my life to teleport to someone I don’t know? Could they be ENT sitting, Avatar sitting or just dragging a God wall around? If its a small realm then you could check the mini-map with your mouse to find them.
  • If you ever find someone false calling an Event you should mark them IGNORED / BLOCKED right away. Saves time in the future.

Mod note: Moved to The Academy > Guides ~ BMJ

Mod note: Moved back to The Academy > Questions & Answers. For @Doc to move <3 ~ BMJ

Mod note: Moved to The Academy > Guides. D’aww, thanks! -Doc

Teleporting invincibility
I know why (some people) need TP invincibility [rant]
Teleport and Die

Good guide. Could the mods make this a wiki post so others can add to it?


Thanks man for posting this I died so many times from bad tps…


Hey can you move this to the Academy and make it a sticky if you think it worthy? Thanks


Yeah, sure, I can live with that.

Oh, that isn’t good. But i can still manage it.

Christ Almighty. I ain’t having that shit.


It’s incredibly frustrating teleporting and not actually tping to the person who was top of the list, and considering a bad tp can near instantly kill you, the mechanic is at times really stupid imo.


I talked about this glitch back on the Kabam Forums. It really is an issue; you could want to tp to a necromancer but could instead end up on top of a Jugg warrior.

I remember someone responded that you weren’t actually tping to someone else but the person who you were tping to just moved away, but that isn’t true (unless maybe you’re lagging).


That’s up to OP to request. We don’t actively keep track of wiki topic edits but will still act if users report malicious edits.

I’ve moved it to The Academy > Guides for you.


Sure! I’ll just do tha…

… nevermind. :cry:


There you go bby gurl :kissing_closed_eyes:


I added this Teleport guide to Bluenoser’s RotMG guide. Right now it has its own page but I may combine it with some other things.


may i add something to this

This is what i generally do, not sure if other people do this, but when you teleport, i un-off-center, so i wont have a god wall behind me and not being able to see it. Once i know whats around me, i off-center again. More for beginners.

  • Regarding ‘Ent/Avatar’ sitters, look at the star in the chat. While this seems ‘discriminant’ in nature, most sitters will be light blue/blue stars

@Bluenoser I suggest you combine the points about ‘Don’t teleport to solo insert class’ because it doesn’t have to be a Warrior/Rogue/Knight/Priest. I was testing out my new oreo and some poor soul got destroyed earlier today. Point is, all classes have the potential to be in dangerous situations. Lots of people rush through godlands on ‘squishy’ classes to get to events.

If this is a general teleporting guide, some more ‘advanced’ teleporting techniques include…

The /teleport Method: Have /teleport Bluenoser typed in chat and press enter twice to teleport to your anchor. Disclaimer: This method often results in deaths because of the time it takes to physically press enter twice as well as the fact that you’re probably moving. Famous last words: ‘Hey, look at this nice wasdawrrrrrrr’

Cursor Over Teleport: Click on your anchor’s name and hover your cursor over ‘Teleport’. Simply click if you’re in danger. This is faster and more dependable than the anchor method but you can’t really aim…


well with teleporting, you dont want to teleport to “high” rank, b/c they are generally doing something stupid and like rushing through glands on wiz. Lower stars dont tend to do that often


I wouldn’t call that stupid. Risky maybe, I have done that exact thing trying to get to an event. And yes, I have killed a few that teleported to me because I was dragging Gods. You have to be careful when you teleport to anyone.


which is weird, b/c whenever i tp, there is this 1/4sec where everything pauses, and i get to dodge shots? so ive never died to anything within 3secs of tp (could be longer but i tped onto a water mine, and didnt see it and died)


Incorrect. The enemies don’t see you for around half a second but they still shoot at other players. Hence why Avatar/Ent sitting works; you can’t dodge anything.


i said for me.

I literally almost always gets this pause, where i just get to dodge and prepare myself. Ive tped to draggers in train lots of times with like lvl 1 chars, and i most of the times survived.


Only you get the pause? Someone already explained that it is not a pause and more so that the enemies don’t see you, if only you are experiencing the pause than maybe your client is a little fishy lol. I just teleported to a priest sitting on a djinn while it went off and instakilled the moment I got there.


revive (sorry)

but just saw this