Temporary chatting area



Nah, I’ll leave it


Efnu why! I rarely get the chance to read your typed words…


@Keenanryan You feeling alright? o _0


Heh heh hehheh …

Your certainly not alone…



I’m not alone? What does this mean? Are you saying there are other people with you!? o _o


Or is there more than one Cpiratemonkey?
(The answer is yes)
(Thought I will not reveal them to you)

Maybe the dire consequences of the like button are cursing the ever-present over watcher as he twiddled his fingers faster by the minute.

That’s until he runs out of likes.



…Jango must’ve shared some of his speed weeds with you …!..


He means this, ya not special


Noooo, all those likes are obviously towards me! You just have this thread on that stalk mode


I totally wasn’t getting chased by something I didn’t actually do.

I’ll save that for another time.

But yes, I suppose I was running way too fast and I almost got hit by a car.


@Jango Stop giving Keena all your speed weeds! See what they’re doing to him!


That’s what powered me through cross country the other week xD

On that day, I woke up to this, and it stayed well until the competition

UK winters make sunrise REALLY long


@Scorchmist @shaxasno @candyshi @Niegil @ItsLALM @Mynamerr

Tagged some random people to look at this brioche over-edit on my bed


that looks like those times when in a tv, the screen warps and the food comes alive to start talking about philosophy to you.

Especially since that opening on the left looks like a mouth


thats disgusting


Well if you don’t like that.

Have a slice of my clipboard instead


i am honored to be randomly tagged.


@Shaxasno Well… I’m not taking speed weed.
I’m practicing experimental Gamelan now for… :wink:


Day 2/17/2017 The Curse

[Setting: Overworld Realm; Captivating Garden]

It was going to be a good day.
The character was changing his gear and put on his dark wizard gear…
He entered the Overworld and decided to head toward the forsaken land of the gods.
All seemed well, but then he found life to be sluggish.
All he could find after a long search was a sewer at first.
He easily conquered the dungeon. Still… now staring into the inventory…
There were so little potions in his mobile storage. The care pack was ok and full of hp and mp jars.
But, then he couldn’t find things in time… Time was slipping away.

He didn’t know if he was going to die at any moment today.
Later in the day… He had a bad feeling, but tried to calm it down.
He decided to join the other characters into the Captivating Garden.
He felt like he was going to die at any moment. He was losing control…
He couldn’t feel anymore. What was going on?
All he could do was stare… and then out of nowhere…
A tremor shook the earth… A spawn of flowers from the ground sprouted upward.
It seemed that the wizard was not sure of his own self.
Suddenly, the wizard had been shaken awake. A sudden state of shock.
With nowhere to go, the wizard tried backing away from this horrifying mess of weakness.
Was the wizard weak? No…

The wizard kept firing, but to no avail, the flowers took almost no damage.
Backing away even farther to the edge… Seemingly feeling capable…
A sudden push from the side had knocked the wizard onto a red vicious flower.
It consumed the wizard instantly and he was drained of all the health in no time. As if someone was watching…

Restored… The character woke up and went into thought… I’ll need to be a priest. ;-;
What happened… It can’t be… The character said… The bad times are happening…

The ultimate evil angel commander is watching…

All this angel wanted was the demise of the Commander that opposed his reign.
Not only this target, but all of his allies as well…

Even with the curse broken. The evil angel had a back-up which was quickly forgotten.
Was it all part of his evil plot? Yes…

Surely, this situation will be fixed…

The character decided to go into a dungeon and had died miserably once more by hell fire embers.
Was it all just a coincidence? No…

The evil angel wanted to destroy this character.

The character had fled and seemingly went to sleep… to find out how to defeat this…
Maybe waiting will be enough to make this evil angel forget of the Commander who opposed him…

The character planned to make his next move by a secret plan of attack on the evil angel’s vile ruling.

There had to be a way.
No… There was nothing to do but wait…


London fun.