Tenne on Ninja?


Definitely use krathana with it


I would say that using tenne on a ninja is a bad idea unless you have a way to increase defense because ninja is extremely squishy

just bring a hydra for defense and use tenne when there’s no risk

also please dont use UB DEF


Farm for cuffs. Garments + Cuffs is ridiculously good like Apiary + Circlet. You get 22 def, 8 atk, 22 vit and 5 speed. Very generous defensive stats which ninja needs, along with a nice boost to attack and speed.


I love how tenne is bad on ninja, yet it’s part of the ninja ST set. Ironic


It synergizes well with the star, though; low def with armoring capabilities when desired.

Good when used together, not so great without that particular star.


Why not? I use UBDef on my Ninja and she’s perfectly fine.


T3 HP ring > UBDEF
I’d see if you could find a potato, while the defensive bonus is negligable, it still compensates in other areas plus it complements the low def of the tenne well. As a plus, you go ham with the DPS :stuck_out_tongue:


To tell you the truth, I’d only main it on Ninja if I had Chakram. The ring slot could be used for so many better ways than slapping on UBDef. Tenne’s better for Arch/Hunt if you don’t have anything that negates the low DEF.


UBDef > T3 HP ring
When you do not have enough defence to sacrifice for additional HP.

Bard wears Tenne LOL?

It’s good for trigger damage though…


I’m a genius. :clap: Few RotMG hours does interesting things to me. Lemme fix that.

No. It’s not. UBDef is bad. Period >:[


K thanks, already have a tenne on archer tho.


Well done. Save the Tenne for later then.


I smell HP ring obsession from you. I use UBDef all the time and let me just say, it is good on everything (from fragile Wizard to toughest Warrior) except maxed Knight (71 defence when I use Abby Armor and Mith Shield).


Players love HP rings because they’re that good. If you’d rather take 10 DEF over 180 HP…you do you, I guess. DEF becomes meaningless for endgame content, and while it’s still a great stat to focus on, it has a protection cap while HP does not. Compared to all of the choices you have as an intermediate to veteran player (Deca, Crown, Omni, Source, Potato, Bracer, one of the Tomb rings, maybe even Entropy), UBDef simply isn’t the way to go. Taking account of the fact that UBHP is almost always the better choice isn’t obsession – if there’s another item that’s more efficient at what I want to accomplish, I’d use that. Best example of this is Pyra. Great balance, 100 HP, some attack, and guess what? Defense! TL;DR: I don’t have anything against the stat, but UBDef isn’t good.


That’s why I want tiered rainbow ring get buffed.


you can’t just ultimately say that ubdef is bad because there are other “good” options. ubdef is significantly less expensive than ubhp, not to mention its easy accessibility in regards to rarer UT mid/end game rings. plus, ubdef combos well with classes that already have hp bonuses (pally, necro, etc.). just because there are optimal sets/builds in the game doesn’t negate overall effectiveness from a less-optimal build. and you forget to consider preferred play styles from individuals, thus belittling their choice in trying to enjoy the game more. so congratz. @PRCSakura i gotchu bruv: ubdef gang >:)


I do know that when I raid LH, I use Para HP than UBDef instead if my character is unpotted with Life.


If you don’t have access to higher tier rings, yes! By all means, use UBDEF. I guess the angry face in one of my previous posts didn’t completely signal my half-joking successfully, but I’ll explain a bit better since I myself could have handled it differently. I first said that the ring slot could be used for better because I personally favor UT rings, and DeeBomb seems perfectly capable of getting his/her hands on rarer whites. This thread was originally created so we could all give our personal opinions on whether Tenne on Ninja is worth it. I’m not saying that UBDEF is never feasible – it certainly is if the player is up for it, since after all, the game is all about how the player customized a character to their liking. But as for Sakura saying that I have some “HP ring obsession” before me defending my perspective and getting accused for belittling someone else’s point of view? I fail to see how you come up with that conclusion.
@Twitchystr Sakura got reinforcements. They’re on to me. You gotta help me, man O-O


ah. my mistake. it’s just that the

kinda confused me for a bit. but in context, and to be fair, you’re completely right. you were simply just replying to prc about the hp obsession point. i should’ve kept that in mind before i tunnel visioned on the whole “poo poo stinky boomba on def” stuff. and no need for twitch! prc’s reinforcements will recess… for now >:)


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