The Achievement Thread


Ik but still… :crab:


weird flex


ill be gone basically all day tomorrow but by then ill have 7 yr old acc so I cant pass up this opportunity ish yeeeeeeeeeeee


Nice fame


imbad I told u allready




sarcastic clapping

Congratulations on wasting 7 years of your life!


why are you being so rood to me go get job or something


jk rotmg is job


@InfamousX hired me to say that.


k ill just take ur word for that since u didn’t follow reply with a star wars clip


OMG you’re the trolly popper


Sorry for bad (and long) and unedited recording but hey i soloed parasite chambers boss with no weapon
(I know i’m not the first) WHICH IS WHY next time i will attempt clearing the WHOLE DUNGEON with no weapon. Barrels only!
edit: holy shit that video quality is horrible



My question is why on necro? Could have been so much easier man.


Is @ArkRumierA the new @Wilhuff?



Also please ping me when you are gonna talk stuff about me


You guys haven’t seen nuthin yet. behold this thing


Sorry guys I just had to flex this


gross, legendary with max of 43.


I have exactly 1 char. big sad