The Bard


I’ve been thinking of how to make a bard a class, and I was thinking of something like this: (mostly the ability)

His main weapon would either be a sword or a wand, I don’t really care. I was thinking sword to give him some dps whilst not making him a total backliner. If he is given a wand, sure, he’s now a backliner, but with limited contributions to DPS, kinda like priest. Both could work, given a bard’s role in games like DnD.

His ability is where I was really thinking.
His item of choice is an instrument. Preferably string, but honestly it doesn’t matter.
What it does: It is a hold-to-activate, kind of like a ninja’s speedy. While it is activated, he applies a small radius in which there is a large wisdom buff to everyone within it. This ability will allow groups to use lots of abilities.
Drawbacks: Movement debuff (slow or paralyze) to the bard while it is active, this is to prevent aggressive positioning with the group. Either you push and lose your buffs, or you stay to protect the bard. The bard CLASS is ALWAYS immune to the wisdom buff, and will never be affected by it, to prevent bards from stacking to permabuff. The buff radius will also cast pet stasis on all bards in the area as well, to balance OP pets. The class itself will have high mana, low wisdom, and high mana cost, to reduce spamability.
Possible UT Ideas: Armored buff during casting, like Jugg, maybe some that will augment different stats, maybe one that makes the bard speedy during casting instead debuffed, etc.

His armor is leather, yada yada.

Ring, meh.

Tell me whatcha think. It’d be a unique class.


This class should definitely have a wand too cement it into the support role.

The ability is very interesting indeed, as it could work really well in tandem with priests, necros and paladins for maximum healing buffs. This doesn’t seem to overpowered and i think it could work.

DO NOT do paralyze as a debuff, especially with all the other counters you have against spamming. Paralyze on self has no place in a bullet hell, unless the payoff is massive, which this isn’t. Slow would be fine imo.

Now, the problem is with the selective wisdom buff. Giving a buff to everyone except yourself would be hard to code i think (I’m not sure, so don’t flame me). Also the per stasis to all bards within the radius is problematic as well. I think your best option is to give this ability a duration and a cooldown, with no pet stasis and give the wis buff to all.

As for UT options, we already have party armored, party berserk, party damaging and party healing. Party speedy is a bad idea, so you’re kinda low on options.

Overall great idea :smiley:


The weapon wont be a wand or a sword. There are three sword users, three wand users, three staff users. Most likely Deca wont be making more Wand, sword, or staff classes. Instead only making either 1 more class or 6 more classes. The 1 class would probably be either katana user or a bow user, since there is only 2 bow users. If Deca was to seriously make 6 classes, this means 1 bow, 2 katana, and then 1 sword, 1 wand, and 1 staff. I highly doubt deca would make 6 abilities. Takes too long and hard to develop, not to mention the bugs it’ll most likely have. very unlikely that they will make another weapon nor armor. If Deca makes one, and most likely 1 more class, it wont be anything but a katana user. Most likely the Samurai, due to people actually testing it years ago when Kabam was still in charge.


As someone with a bit of training in coding I can tell you coding this would not be as difficult as it seems. Although I have never worked with gaming code, let alone XML, the basic fundamentals still apply. If you are able to make it so the player gains a buff while players around him gain a different buff (like warrior’s speedy and berzerk) you can do the opposite because “player” is defined separately from “allies” (which it is).
As far as changing other bards in the area, I am not completely certain, though it does seem possible with some effort. In my logic, each class has different stats and ability items. Due to this, it seems likely that each class has its own short coding aside from basic fundamentals (click to shoot, switching character frames while walking and shooting, hp+mp, etc). Therefore each class can be recognized by a simple check function which would determine if any players in the area are bards, then disable their ability/pets

My opinion on the ability: I see why you would want to disable pets and other bards from using the ability. However, bards with heal or any other pet ability (other than or in addition to mp heal) will be put at risk. Why not make it so only the ability user cannot benefit from their pet. Also, as far as banning other bards from using the ability, this can be easily countered in a private dungeon by having a small amount of bards lined up outside of each other’s range, so they would cover a large area.
Also what happens when two bards who are already using their abilities come into range of each other?
Over all I am a fan of the concept. I am not sure how to fix some of these problems but after some improvement I would love to see an ability like this in the future.


There is only two


Once someone gets this guy going with a puri’d priest, the “debuff” will be gone after he mp buffs the priest and priest uses puri on him.
Just something to consider.


If his ability has no wismod he doesn’t need to debuff himself.

You don’t need to prevent spam if it’s a constant effect ability for obvious reasons.



Yeah was about to go back on it today but you already corrected me. For some reason I thought a Skin was a wand class for some reason


lmao :rofl:


I maked a concept of bard class long time ago, Here’s:


Bard Priestess skin for the priest.


“3 wand users”
are you high


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