The Death Thread


More like stupidity


Dies 1/8 with the skull Iā€™ve been killing myself over trying to get

what the fucking hell

Oh Iā€™m asking alright



Thatā€™s what you get when you play the game on easy mode and get dependant on it. I didnā€™t suffer from that because Iā€™m not stupid, no offense, but those are stupid as hell deaths.

Try maxing from nothing without a pet, youā€™ll get back into the groove of realm real fast.


skulls overated ;-;

dont spend too much time tryna get it


eggs dee flowers are mean


my sister fed 0/20 on barum in Aurf on my acc, so no biggie.


Iā€™m not even worried about itā€¦
At least I got to clear my vault of long holding feed items, hahaxD :black_heart: :black_heart: ā€¦


This just triggers me a lot because I switched tabs and my game froze in the cem, I reloaded my page and my pally was dead


this is the reason i quit cause dying made me super sad

now i waste my life on a far worse game


what game is that OWO


rip 7/8, not too sad about it, although it was my only maxed char




Itā€™s actually a gambling system disguised as a card game


Nah its a waste of time disguised as a card game.
Thats why I play it.


All of these are true


Ha! Says you


That tricksterā€¦ has the same exact set of my trickster! Besides the ring.

Iā€™m lvl 13, I have the snow dagger and the heart prism!


Post number 4000! What a way weā€™ve come, all together.

@ZZpikselZZ and @DylDaHobbi Itā€™s hard to dodge, isnā€™t it?

@Sertsch A suicide, I presume.

@PoocklePee Suicide, a late Nexus, a Godwall? The world may never know.


Please donā€™t use that till 6/8ā€¦


Post number 4002ļ¼what a long way weā€™ve come together!
Wait I need a death hereā€¦